Chapter 25

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Cappie's POV  Saturday night

I'm shoving Brodie chewing him out for embarrassing my girl, while his is grinning and apologising.

"I didn't have a crush on you" a quiet voice draws both our attention and we turn to her stunned.

"Sorry I know it's a good story. But I didn't even really know who you were, or any of you really, before last week" she looks down at her feet embarrassed but I just smile. I’m even happier now I know my fame had nothing to do with her attraction to me.

"You're kidding right?" Brodie looks at her in disbelief but she shakes her head. "Fuck, how the hell did you manage to get this gorgeous little thing. I understood if she had, had a crush on you or loved the band but to think she actually likes you! Disgusting. I need a drink" he stumbles of shaking his head in disbelief.

"You really didn't know who I was?" I press now Brodie isn't learning over us. I thought she was kidding that first night.

"I mean I had heard of the band and at that first show I realised I had heard some of your songs. But erm no." "Sorry, I did Google you after" she added quickly seeing my face.

"Why be sorry, it's even better, I love that you’re not interested because I am famous" I nod towards Mick who is trying to disengage himself from an overly forward female fan. I pull her in and she rubs her hands up my abs making me gasp. "See it's much better when you want me for my body" I groan into her ear making her giggle.

I introduce her to a few people she hasn't met yet. I love how relaxed she is talking to everyone. I have to turn down a an offer for a quickie from some overly keen girls when I left Emie to use the bathroom.

"So Bro said you didn't know who we were little E I am hurt, we are rather famous you know" Drew has stumbled over feigning hurt.

"Apparently not as famous as you thought" She shrugged.

"She knows me now that's all that matters" I grin pulling her back against me and wrapping my arms around her waist. 

"We aren't talking about you Cappie. How could she not know me!!" His face is a ridiculous muddle of fake hurt and disgust.

"Sorry Drew" she smiles up at him through her long lashes and he melts 

"Fuck I can't even pretend to be angry at that face! That's not even fair. You my friend are screwed" he says bumping my shoulder and retreating to the bar.

"As much as I am enjoying watching you charm my friends, I would much rather go back to the hotel so I can have all that charm to myself" I whisper in her ear making her giggle and nod.

"Should we say goodbye" she says hesitating when I pull her towards the door, signalling Benji for a car. 

"No need Babe we never have to say goodbye, I'm basically married to the whole lot of em, can't get away if we tried" and she allows me to usher her into the car. She slips the hoodie back on as we approach the hotel. Leaving the glasses till the last moment. After a deep breath I take her hand and we push passed the over invasive press and into the lobby.

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