Chapter 27

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By the time she is dressed and packed. Benji is sat on the couch going over the plans for the next few days leading up to the final show and wrap party for the crew. I would be home soon.

"Erm, I can't exactly lift my bags" a quiet voice calls from the bedroom.

Benji goes to help, but I push him back.

"I love you like a brother man, but don't ever think I am gonna let you be alone in a bedroom with my girl" he shakes he head smiling as I retrieve these insanely heavy bags what did she pack? She gives me a little shrug as I heave her bags out. First things first new luggage, with wheels.

"Cars already I'll get someone to bring your bags down" Benji says hitting the room service button minutes later a man appears and loads her things into the car. She adds her hoodie and glasses in the elevator. Then grips my hand tightly.

There only a few press still hanging around so it's a much more peaceful run to the car. We get in and she lays against me and we enjoy the peaceful drive down to London.

It isn't far but we both manage to fall asleep. She woke me to see a man holding the door open smiling. We clamber out and stretch the press don't know where we are staying so it isn't the usual fight to get in. Benji hands us both a room key. I give him an annoyed glare.

"Fuck sake Cap, they're for the same room. Just thought she might want her own key" I nod and relax my face. She is giving me an amused look.

We follow Benji to the elevator and up to our new suite. I don't normally go this all out. But I never normally have a beautiful woman's company. She loves the room I can see her drinking it in.

"The hotel have asked" Benji says clearing his throat " that you refrain from smoking in bed on this visit they and fire brigade did not enjoy finding you had passed out with a joint in your hand"

"Cappie" Emie scolds me

"It won't happen again" I promise and he leaves.

"The fire brigade ?" She looks down on me shaking her head in disbelief.

"I didn't ask anyone to call them" I shrug defensively

"What the fuck am I getting myself into?" She looks deep in my eyes

"A whole load of fun babe I promise" and pull her down into a kiss. We have the rest of the day off so nothing to interrupts this time.

I run my hands down her sides and slip them up inside her top. Her skin is so soft and smooth against my calloused hands. She lets out a soft moan as I cup her breasts through her bra. I moan into her lips as I take in their weight and shape. I feel her shift and think she is about to push me away when I feel her fingers tugging gently at my belt. I raise my hips off her a little and help her. She slides and hand shyly over boxers and gasps as her fingers make contact with my erection. I twitch at her touch blood rushing to my cock making it strain towards her fingers.

She bites her lip as she runs her hand down the full length of me. She looks up at me looking very anxious

"Babe?" I try and get her back from the edge.

"You're big, like really big I don't think it's..." I interrupt her nervous babbling by kissing her. Starting with her lips then moving down her neck. My hands gently stroking down her sides

Song 1 Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang