Chapter 23

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We sit in a comfortable silence while I try and work out how to use this phone it's a lot more advanced then my old one. I finally find the contacts and see my brother, Cappie and a few of the guys from the band and tour I have met. Of course none of my friends numbers are on here. I quickly find my new number and copy it. I spend a few moments navigating to find and log into my social media and message my friends my new number privately of course!

I look up to see Cappie smiling smugly at me "you like it?" He asks softly.

I lean over to kiss him "I love it thank you" he takes it out of my hand and fiddles for a moment before pulling me back into a much deeper kiss. I close my eyes and melt into his lips until a lack of oxygen. He carries on looking at my phone for fiddling with something but he bought it so I don't think I can ask for it back if he is doing something. He then smiles and hands it back. The blank generic background is now a beautiful picture of us kissing my eyes are closed and his eyes are shining down on me filled with love. I let out a little gasp.

"That's even better than the phone" I smile up at him.

"Glad you like it babe, we look good together" He smiles down at me.

"Yep" he smiles as we pull up to the backstage of the arena. He leads me to his dressing room and we make out on the couch until Benji knocks to let us know it's time.

I watch from the side closest to Cappie and he looks over at me as much as he can. There are no song dedications tonight he just winks at me before they play the encore ballad.

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