Chapter 7

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Desdemona sighed as she looked up from her book into the grassy landscape. She had decided to try to forget about what happened days ago but it seemed like she couldn't.

There somehow was anger still rested into her and she hadn't known how to stop it. She thought it was most improper to kiss another at a ball while you have a date. She didn't want to believe it, but he was a sad rake and there was no denying it. The one thing she didn't want to confess yet known was true was her mother's accusations.

She just imagined what her mother would have said, "Silly girl, I told you yet your ignorance has clouded your judgment". She would confess anything except that her mother was right.

Now she was alone in her gazebo looking at the dewy grass that shimmered within the Sun's light. She felt silly about how long she was looking at the grass and if people would think she was crazy.

Desdemona had always been very observant, especially with art such as paintings. People would have to try and get her out of her daze. She wished she was in a daze when she saw Pj kiss that woman.

Now that she realizes it Julie Baker the tailor's daughter, pin body hussy.No Desdemona, you mustn't think such things of such an innocent woman. Innocent? Innocent my as-  Desdemona soon realized her conscience were fighting over Julie Baker a woman whom she never talked or even looked twice at.

The only thing she wanted to remember was that James Williams danced with. He was quite witty, something she was natural at. And very charming, if not flirtatious. He hadn't been scared of her which was confusing. She didn't know why the men she encountered were enthralled or scared of her.

She looked back at her book. Othello, one of her favorite books and her name was inspired by her favorite character, Desdemona. Of course, she was a complete dud.  But she was so loving towards Othello. But her name meant unlucky, something innocent that turned bad. Which she hadn't understood why her mother named her this perhaps it was because it was so unlucky to have a girl. This thought made Desdemona frown, She thought daughters were no good and couldn't hold the family name. 

It reminded her of the time her mother called her useless when she was 8. She would never have forget what happened that day.


Desdemona twirled through the hallways with her new ballet shoes she had gotten from her Aunt Meridith who had come to visit from London. Desdemona twirled happily as she leaped towards her mother's door. Though she was happy this week everyone seemed so sentimental. She remembers it being like this almost 2 years ago when her father was very ill. She forgot what happened, but it was mostly her mothers doing she wouldn't tell her what happened on that day and wouldn't talk about it.

She was dancing with her prince doll another gift her aunt Meridith gave her. In fact, Aunt Meridith has given her so many presents she didn't know why. To make her happy? Why she already was with the new dresses she got from her Uncle Akinbode (her father's brother) he'd given her more presents than usual as well! "How are you feeling", she heard Aunt Meridith say from inside the room. "I am fine Meridith! I wish everyone would stop asking me about that", her mother said. "You would take me as a fool if I think your servants actually asked you that, they would run away before speaking to you!", she heard her Aunt Meridith laugh.

As she backed away from the door she saw one of her mother's servants hold a plate that held water."Give me that", Desdemona whispered as she took the plate and knocked on her mother's door."Who is it?", she heard her mother ask."Mona", she answered back as she opened the door to see her mother and Aunt on her mother's sofa.

"I didn't say come in didn't I?", her mother sneered."Y-Yes, I apologize I forgot", Desdemona stuttered out she didn't know why she was so nervous when talking to her mother it was a habit."Well don't just stand there do give us it", her mother ordered. But it felt like she couldn't move, she was stuck."Desdemona, give the water to us now!", her mother once again ordered, but more sternly. 

But she couldn't move tears formed into her eyes of fear, so she tried to move one step at a time. But as she stepped she shook and she shook more and more until the plate was shaking furiously. As she took one more step the plate toppled over making the two glasses of water fly into the air and splashing her mother.


Tears ran down Desdemona's round face as she ran out of her mother's room.

                                *FLASHBACK OVER*

A stray tear fell down Desdemona's face as she quickly wiped it away."Uh, are you ok Miss. Smith?", she heard a voice looking up to see Remember Patience While, but she went as Mem."Yes, I'm fine, and I already told you to call me Mona, Mem", she quickly put on a smile her face as she scooted so Mem could sit down.

Mem was an Orphan her mother took in when she was merely 4 and worked in the kitchen and at the gates. She was a sweet thing and Desdemona often thought of her as a little sister she never had. She was mostly jealous of how beautiful and large Mem's deep black eyes were. And her very coiled curly hair, that was as black as a raven.

"Ok, Mona are you ok?", Mem giggled out as she sat right next to Desdemona's book."Othello? Really it's a tragedy though", Mem said as she flipped through the pages of the book."Life has its a tragedy that's how we get immune to disappointment....... and harsh words others say to us", Desdemona sighed out. "Yea, I've been with some many disappointments that I became immune to them", Mem breathed out. Even at a young age, Mem has been through heartbreak (not the romantic way of course, though many of the young boys are fond of her), betrayal, and disappointment it made Desdemona feel guilty.

"My favorite is Hamlet"


"Because Hamlet was a good person his sanity was questioned only because the others were paranoid. Hamlet was confronted by his dead father to kill the king/his uncle and was shunned by his painted lady", Mem said as a smile grew on Desdemona's face."Why that's a unique perspective of the story Mem - wait what did you say? Painted lady? Who told you that?", Desdemona asked with wide eyes she had never heard a child say that before."Ralphie after he was drinking diddle at Strawberry's Bar", Mem shrugged her shoulders as she answered."Ralphie at Strawberry's he just came out of the babe stage he is solely 13!", Desdemona almost yelled as she jumped up, grabbing her book with her.

"Why didn't you tell sooner!"


Desdemona smirked and put her hands on her hips as she swayed them, "I almost forgot you are very fond of Ralph"."Tis' only puppy love nothing more, and besides, he has eyes on Marty", Mem sighed out making Desdemona's face soften. Marty was a beautiful girl who's family was a friend of hers. She was 14 with beautiful raven black hair, dark eyes, and a beautiful face, but she wasn't someone who would love Ralphie as much Ralphie loved her. Mem had adored Ralaphie since she came to the house even if she was 3 years younger than him she still knew he adored her somehow, he was just enchanted by Marty's looks."He adores you too Mem, and Marty is someone he shouldn't adore her heart isn't as good as yours", Desdemona assured Mem.

"Why is it because he's a servant?"

"More than that"

"What is it?"

"Well Marty does not like Ralph because she thinks he might have been purchased"

"Purchased what?"

"Nevermind let's go find Ralphie", Desdemona insisted she took Mem's hand as they walked through the garden to the gates, but there was something stopping them, someone stopping them, Pj Honcuby stopping them.

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