Chapter 6 pt.1

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Jan 2, 1780

Dear Diary, We are currently on our way to the ball hosted at The Schuylers house, but that is Eton, mother, and Etons wife Olivia though we call her Liv. Liv, of course, was the most beautiful girl I had ever seen when I met her. She had buttercup blonde colored hair that was always in a bun. She also had deep blue ocean eyes that anyone can get lost with, and plump lips that were naturally pink. Anyone would want to have her, it just makes me wonder how my brother got her- but that's beside the point!

"Child put away that diary of yours! We have to prepare for when you are talking to suitors", my mothers said slapping the diary out of my hand."Mother, does she really have to practice socializing?", Eton asked though I knew he only did it to help me."Yes!, I already know she'll mess up and risk it all for all of us!", she almost yelled but composed herself as she pulled up her shawl.

I liked to think mother didn't want to go to this ball because it reminded her how she wasn't young anymore. She always pursed her lips every time we were near young women.

"Us? you're not getting married though", Eton said confusingly as Liv started to giggle but stopped when mother glared at her."This is for our social status you fool! And for her to be wealthy", my mother added before we stopped in front of The Pastures, the Schuylers house that was on top of a grassy hill great to watch New York.

"Remember do not mess this up!", my mother whispered sternly grabbing ahold of my wrist, feeling like she would never let go. I sighed in defeat and embarrassment rubbing my red wrist that seemed like it wouldn't go away. "Hey I know your mother was hard on you in the carriage, but remember to have fun too", I heard Liv's British voice behind me as I felt her somewhat cold skinny hand on my shoulder, though I only nod and smile.

"Miss.Sallow!", I heard from the side of me looking to find Pj. My mouth gaped open as I stared at him, He wore his normal continental uniform but it seemed more new with a new jacket that defined his muscles even through the many layers he wore. His hair was half us half down with a blue ribbon and his boots seemed even more shinner."Miss my eyes are up here", Pj chuckled making me blush from embarrassment."Shall we enter the ball??", Pj asked holding out his harm."We shall", I giggled out locking my arm with his.

Dear diary, I fear this ball is only for parents to sell their daughters to wealthy, pursuable suitors.  I noticed in peculiar this was mostly about dancing and meeting soldiers from the Continental army. If I hadn't known better  I would have brought my own dancing shoes.

"Ladies and Gentlemen thank you for coming to this extravagant ball!", Mrs. Schuyler enthusiastically said as she clinked her spoon on her embroidered glass cup as if she were making a toast."It is time for dancing, ladies please pick up your dance cards and get in line to dance with the names that are on the card. As I got in line I had noticed Pj's name wasn't on the card. He hadn't even signed his name on my dance card. As I looked at the card I only saw two names, Alexander Hamilton and James Williams.

Of course, I heard about the colonel but never about James Williams except how "filthy rich" his family was in Philadelphia and how he is a "handsome prick with a nice arse" I heard through the grapevine of the streets though I never really met him. As I watched Eliza dance with Colonel Hamilton I couldn't help but feel jealous, not because she was dancing with him, but because he seemed smitten of her and I no one. It was the sort of debauchery I had vainly longed for but never seemed sure I was going to pursue it.

As the line became shorter and shorter I couldn't help but feel anxious. My hair was probably frizzy from the teasing and excessive accessories, though I fancied my hair naturally down I did have to give props to myself for not putting powder on. Bertha insisted, but I wouldn't allow it saying "it is the new trend" but I said, "If it is the new trend to look 50 years more of age then I'll pass". The look on her face  was priceless! But I soon felt something break, it was the pearl necklace I have bee tugging on as I dozed off that I hand';t notice that I was anxious or that it broke or even worse it was my turn to dance.

"Oh uh Alexander Hamilton", I blurted out as I felt my cheeks heating up from embarrassment and the giggles who I fathom were the Schuyler sisters. "As I took the hand of the Colonel I couldn't help but to stare at his features. He had strawberry blonde hair which was powdered though you can still see the vibrant hair color jump out. He also had dashing blue eyes much like Liv that was filled of determination..... he wasn't half bad on the looks. If I hadn't known better I would have- I mean of course mother wouldn't allow it- though I'm single.

"Miss my eyes are up here", He said jokingly making me stop staring at him like that."Desdemona Smith you fool! Now he must feel as uncomfortable as you are!"I apologize, Colonel, I just wanted to look at the features of the person who signed up first on my card", I said playing it off smoothly."And I heard the many beautiful features of you", the Colonel said.

"Pardon me, Colonel, but it seemed you are using flattery to cover any awkwardness we have and I know you felt bad and nervous for me and I think we both know you fond over the middle Schulyer sister", I said bluntly looking into his eyes as they widen."Well I-I", he cleared his throat, "That might be true, but I couldn't pass up the opportunity beautiful woman", He said dipping me seeing a full smirk on his face."Colonel Hamilton, if beauty is the most important thing you seek then the flattery of the sort would not work on Miss. Schuyler", I sighed.

'Yes, I noticed", he muttered quietly though I heard him faintly."Though you and I have a lot of common", I added. "Oh?", he said in a questioning tone."We are both knowledgeable in writing and very determined', I said. Though I was determined to always getting my way I was determined in other things as well."I guess you are right Miss Smith", for the first time of the night we both smiled.

But as we stopped dancing we heard a cough from a very tall gentleman with brown hair that slicked forward with a very nice bone structure and a pair of deep brown eyes.

"James, James Williams"

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