Chapter 10 pt. 2

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Hey guys! this is a short note, but this will be the POV  of James.

I hope you like this Desdemona and James Chapter


Ouch, was all that James thought as he got up from the dirt covered in dirt stains, grass stains, and whatever was that filthy smelly other stain that was on his new morning suit. He had just come from the Continental army when he got a letter from Lady Smith about her daughter.

Dear Mr. Williams,

If you haven't heard, my daughter, Misses Desdemona Smith is having her birthday no later than a few days from now. I, myself is in charge of the party, and very in charge to invite the pupils. It would be ever so queer to invite a fine gentleman like you to the party. Lord knows Desdemona to be around more men like you.

We will be having geese, duck, chicken, etc and you will be able to show off your incredible dance etiquette. And hopefully, you would have the chance to dance with my beautiful daughter, Desdemona, and alone time with her as well.


                     Lady E. Smith

James could have sworn he read the letter at least 100 times remembering the last part Lady Smith wrote." and alone time with her as well", remembering that part always made him blush at the thought of the two alone together watching the stars as they held hands and talked the life he wanted together.

"Mr. Williams are you alright you are turning beet red", James heard a voice. Looking up he saw a somewhat dirty and bruised Desdemona with her hands on her hips giving a concerning look. Even with the dirt on her extravagant dress and the twigs in her beautiful curls (which she didn't have to use effort to make) he still thought she looked beautiful. 

Nothing absolutely nothing could compare to her, James thought as he kept on staring at the confused woman. In all honesty after the night of the James couldn't help but think about the woman he danced with and the charismatic personality that just made a person drawn to her.

 "Mr. Willams? Mr. Williams!?", he heard her call out again making him blush not because he was actually alone with, but because he was practically laying on the ground like a love fool." Yes, I am quite all right Miss. Smith, I am just worried that you are seriously injured", James cleared his throat as he got up the grass and started patting the dirt off. 

"I-I um quite alright thank you, Mr. Williams", Desdemona said as she took a step towards him resulting in her falling to the ground. James quickly shuffled towards her knowing beforehand she wasn't alright. But what was he going to do? Get her mother? James already knew that Desdemona wasn't too of her mother, so how should he help her? 

James knelt down as he placed his warm, soft hand on her back and soon on her knee. He could tell Desdemona was concerned and a bit confused about what he was doing, but he wanted to help her. He picked her up bridal style as he walked towards the nearby gazebo and placing her gently on the bench. 

"I could have walked towards this bench by myself you know", Desdemona muttered which made him slightly chuckled. But this chuckle once stops as soon as he saw her swollen purple ankle." I'm sure you could have, but you are greatly injured", James said as he gently put his hand on her ankle which jolted back." Yes, I probably look ghastly now since I fell off that roof", Desdemona sighed out as she looked away.

" Now, now I think you look beautiful whatever the circumstances especially when you are with me", James said as he took a twig from Desdemona's hair and threw it on the ground." Like I said Mr. Williams flattery does not cajole me, especially when it comes to a loyalist", Desdemona said roughly getting up and wobbled to the gazebo railing." Do you only think of me as a loyalist? I'm hurt!", James said pretending to be hurt as he walked towards Desdemona giving her a smirk.

"Furthermore, Miss. Smith I never heard you say no to having time with me", James chuckled as he watched the young woman's face turn red." I-I am a sensible woman and didn't feel the need to address such a topic", Desdemona as she cleared her throat and pursed her lips almost like a pout.

"I see you two have gotten along well", both of them heard from the back of their heads to meet Eton and his wife, Olivia smiling. "If flattery is getting alone then very well", Desdemona gritted through her teeth as she wobbled her way to her brother." What happened to your ankle and your dress!?", Olivia gasped out as she helped Desdemona stand up." It's a long story", Desdemona sighed out as she glanced at the pitiful James.

"Well, at least the wedded couple talk", Eton shrugged which cause Desdemona and James to look at him in confusion. "Eton! you weren't supposed to tell them", Olivia muttered fast-hitting her husband's arm, making both of the young adult's eyes widen more.

                         "Wedded?", Both of the two muttered in disbelief 

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