Chapter 8

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Desdemona was far from happy to see Pj. In fact, she grew to be disgusted with his face and his voice all together. Still, she wondered what he wanted and she didn't have time to have a long talk with him too."Oh yea, that's what I came to you about, sorry Mr. Honcuby it took a long time", Mem said as she let go of Desdemona's hand. As Pj nodded and said, "No worries Miss. Whilis I didn't mind". But all Desdemona could do was give an irritated look at the two."Mem wait for me outside of the gate", Desdemona gritted through her teeth keeping her eyes on Pj.

"But I want to stay and talk to Pj!", Mem wined." Mem now", Desdemona once again gritted through her teeth sternly now focusing on Mem who gave her a scared nod."Now, what do you want?", Desdemona asked harshly glaring at him. She admits it was a little bit much, but what he did days ago was a little too much.

"Please let's talk, I know you saw me kiss Julie Baker at the ball", Pj said as he tried reaching for my arm but I swiftly backed away."No kidding", Desdemona muttered as she rolled her eyes, crossing her arms."And I apologize I hadn't been with you the whole night, I drank a lot and I ended up kissing her", Pj said stepping closer to Desdemona, "I love you", he whispered.

"I love you", a phrase Desdemona longed to hear, but never would be. A phrase anyone wanted to hear from someone they loved, but it was only a dream. A dream, a false illusion that the mind played to directed by emotions on possibilities that likely wouldn't happen. Desdemona knew she loved Pj, but she also knew Pj didn't feel the same and she needed to accept that. Still, his actions were not ok............

"N-no, no you don't", Desdemona stuttered out holding back tears."Peaches please...", Pj whispered grabbing her gently looking into her eyes. This moment would have been perfect for her, but it all seemed wrong."You only like the idea of being with me, you lead me to believe in a false reality that was made up in m-my mind. Y-you didn't love me like ..... I loved you", Desdemona was now actually crying and it seemed like her overflowing tears could never stop. She never liked crying even as a kid she thought it made her look weird, but why did it help the growing broken heart she had since she was young.

"That's not true"

'Yes it is and you know it"

"That's not true! Desdemona Marget Smith, I have always loved you ever since we were younger! It broke my heart when you went with Tanner!

"Stop! Just stop! I always knew I loved you more than you ever loved me, and you know what sucks Pj? You think about a person every second and when you finally confess y-you find out they hadn't thought about you twice! That's the thing about our "love" I feel like a fool for now realizing you never loved me it's hopeless!"



After that, there was just silence among the two. Pj sighed before giving Desdemona his handkerchief to wipe her tears away." Believe it or not, I wasn't the one who drunked me up, it was your mother I remember her saying to leave you alone and I should be fighting in the  war not flirting with you", Pj said as he looked at the ground while Desdemona beamed with anger."She did WHAT", Desdemona threw the Hanckier chief and was eager to learn information, but then she remember poor Mem was outside of these gates waiting patiently."Thank you for that information Mr. Hooncuby", sighed out before walking out the gate.

"I forgot to tell you but I'm leaving for camp my winter leave is over and....have a nice life, Miss. Smith"

Desdemona turned around and gave a small smile as she sighed out, "You too Mr. Honcuby."

"I'll see you on the other side of the war"

"I'll see you on the other side of the war"


"Why were you crying Mona?", Mem asked giving a concerned look to her friend, though she was more of a sister than a friend. While she was waiting by the gate she heard crying and yell which made her quite scared."Oh, it's nothing! Let's just focus on the road to strawberry", Desdemona assured her but she wasn't sure if it was just nothing. But she didn't bother asking any more in fear Desdemona would get more mad, so she looked ahead and kept silent until she couldn't

"Aren't you rich? why are you walking to Strawberry's instead of taking a carriage?", Mem asked looking up at a slightly smiling Desdemona. She sure was pretty, Mem wished when she grew to be Desdemona's age so she could lewer Ralphie (her future husband) in with her beauty and love.

She never knew why she liked Ralphie she supposed it was because of how confident he was and how determined he was to his best. It wasn't always like this though, she and Ralphie were always so close until last year when he developed a crush on Marty. This made Mem roll her eyes at that very name, Marty wasn't even nice to Ralphie or her so why should he like her?  And why did she still take pity on his rejections! Was this the kind of love she read in the fairytale books she always read (and other books she was not supposed to read) M? Maybe it was maybe she did love Ralphie and maybe they could get married and have kids with 10 poodles!

"Mem! were you listening!", she heard Desdemona's nudge her with her elbow breaking her out of her thoughts."Oh uh sorry, I was just thinking",  she muttered quietly looking towards the side of the road.



"What were you thinking about"

"Oh uh nothing do tell about why you don't take a carriage again"

"Rich people don't always take a carriage, well that is the youth I suppose. We like to walk too and visit the city and villagers and also Strawberry isn't a far walk from our house", Desdemona giggled out, "And we're almost there!", Desdemona said excitedly but soon calmed down." Y-Yea, but who are those people in front of the bar?", Mem asked as she squinted the distant figures."It looks like Marty and Ralphie... together", Desdemona said nervously looking at Mem's face which turne into a face of shock.

Ralphie and Marty t-together!?

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