Chapter 2

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December 30, 1779

Dear Diary, note to self never ask Pj to help you up again. Also, note to self never show up late before mother.

"I-I must go", I said getting off of Philip and taking all the soaked layers I had and rushing out of the pond. I heard my name being called, but I had just kept going in fear I would embarrass myself again. I ran through our large corridors into my room where I found my servant Bertha. Some say she was an old hag but I thought of her as my other mother. Bertha had worked for my family since her teenage years though, my mother despises her for taking her "love" I have come to love her.

"Oh my goodness! come now child we need to change you into some new dry warm clothes", she said as she started to untie my corset and undo my petticoat."Your mother is not going to be happy about your timing for your meeting", she said as she folded the wet garments."Wait you know about this meeting?", I asked as I sipped through my new shift.

"Why of course us house servants know everything", she said. "Bertha I need to tell you something that might be considered as naughty", I breathed out as my new corset was being put on."What is it my child?", she asked as she held a pin her hand and a pin her mouth."Well, long story short I asked Philip to help me up and we sorta ended up in a position that would be considered as intercourse?", I said in question as Bertha stopped what she was doing and looked up at me.

"Now Desdemona Smith you better not get any idea of that raker's son you hear? It is unladylike and unsettles me-"I know we just so happen to fall into that position now excuse me I have a grumpy old mother I have to please", I giggled as I took one last look at myself before heading down to my mother's room.

As I knocked on the door I took one last deep breath before I was going to be ridiculed on my time. "Come in" I heard a muffled stern voice through the door. "Hello Ma'am", I curtsied, "you called me?"Yes, you're late no lady should be late when she is called upon such a higher power", she said as I drawn closer to she was in bed with her spoiled and vicious, Gandalf. (I imagine her in this picture up top as the wicked stepmother)

"I know I am ever so sorry ma'am you see I was sorted in this Misha-"I don't care I came to you to discuss a very espousal topic", she lingered before she coughed out. Mother was also dying too with a very bad cough.....wish it were sooner. "Oh?", I said as I rocked my feet not knowing what to do."Stop moving, but anyways from the looks you will never marry", she said as she rubbed her temples and petted Gandalf."The winters ball is in 2 weeks prior a good time to find a suitor I will be attending this ball.... though this might be my last", she said.

"But moth-"Enough now get out our time is over", my mother said showing me off with her hands. I sighed and walked out of her room."Mrs.Smith giving you trouble again", I said at the left of me which made me jump into the wall. As I looked up it was Tanner, Tanner Honcuby.

                                                 My ex- courtier

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