Chapter Forty Three: Protector

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Saihara's POV:

I yawned tired from the weeks events as I sat outside of the therapy room Kokichi was in.

I know I didn't need to be there for every appointment anymore, and I probably could get more work done if I wasn't here but until Kokichi himself asks me to stop I doubt I would.

When he came out of the session he was yawning too looking tired, he seemed calmer though and he and Maiko finished off some conversation, he even seemed to make an audible joke before he turned back to me.

'This lasted longer than usual huh?' He asked, "I'm not late yet so it's fine" I told him.

Kokichi paused, 'late for what?' He asked, "oh I finally got contacted by one of the DICE parents, turns out they were on vacation for a month and that's why it took them some time to get back to me" I explained.

'Who?' Kokichi asked, "Izumi" I said and Kokichi seemed conflicted for a second, 'Shiro' he finally signed but paused.

'Why didn't you tell me earlier?' He asked, "I didn't know if the meeting would be hostile or friendly so I thought I would test the waters then bring you" I explained feeling a little guilty.

'I can take it' Kokichi assured which was not the response I was hoping for, "I would rather you didn't at all, or at least know before heading in like with my aunt...I can't believe I didn't tell you that night..." I cursed.

'If you had told me I would have slept in an alleyway rather than go there, but it worked out I guess since that's when I told you.' Kokichi signed he didn't look resentful even if he probably should be.

" want to go with me? It's really close being after your therapy time so if you don't want to, I understand" I asked.

Kokichi shook his head, 'I'm going' he said with a hint of confidence as I braced myself for whatever household we were going to stumble into next.


When we reached the house it was only after I had the bright idea to push Kokichi's wheelchair up the hill, he wasn't lying when he complained how the town never seemed to sidewalk construction into account as weeding through the area felt like some sort of demolition site.

"I...will never...skip legday...again" I gasped for breath when we finally reached the top, 'see why I don't go out much?' Kokichi asked teasingly.

"If this is normal for you then I kind of want you to maybe never come back here" I joked but Kokichi paused hearing that.

'Cities make it easier huh?' He asked, "I don't know enough, but probably" I confirmed as I turned to the...

"We...might have another problem" I told him. 'What did the town install ladders now for everything?' Kokichi asked.

"More like there's a stairway to get to the front door,it's an apartment complex, and I don't see any wheelchair access" I told him.

Kokichi paused and seemed to squeeze his leg gently before taking a deep breath, 'how far up?' He asked.

"Maybe a few feet" I told him shielding my eyes from the sun as I tried to guage the distance.

'Any flat areas in between?' He asked "no just straight up" I told him as I heard...

Kokichi was unwrapping his legs from the chair as he sighed and glanced in my direction.

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