Chapter Thirty Six: Testimony

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Ouma's POV:

I sat nervous in the car, Saihara decided to take me directly to his father so we could go to the police station near where he works at.

In his words the one in this town couldn't be trusted with such a testimony, not after what happened to DICE in the first place.

Saihara's father was oddly quiet, I didn't know what to expect though, I tried to remember if Chi had ever shown me a photograph of her Uncle so I could maybe know what he looks like but I couldn't remember.

Same with Saihara I guess...same with Shuichi.

I can do this. I repeated again as I felt doubt overcoming me, it was one thing to say it in sign language voice...

"He doesn't talk much does he?" A voice finally asked. Shuichi held my hand tighter, "he uses sign language primarily, remember when I asked if I could enroll a friend in speech therapy?" Shuichi asked.

"I see, well I suppose that's a good thing, any false interpreter could just tell a lie." His father said approvingly.

"Sign language were my niece's friend weren't you?" He asked calmly. I nodded unsure how to respond.

"I you learned it before or after what happened?" He asked, I felt like I was getting a pre interrogation.

'Before' I told him, "and you're blind right? So you rely on audible communication?" He repeated, "father why're you-" Shuichi started uncomfortable but then stopped.

His hand was shaking in mine.

"I'm trying to get him to talk Shuichi, because if he can't feel comfortable with even normal questions how do you think he'll manage in that testimony where he will have to describe exactly what happened to him?" He barked.

Shuichi didn't have an argument.

Preparing...I took a deep breath, "I rely...on people talking to me...if someone moved my hands to talk...I would understand that...but I don't like being touched..." I paced myself.

"There we go, now....what're your intentions with my son?" He asked and I froze as Shuichi let go of my hand.


"Your a very good friend to me..." I worded carefully, I silently pleaded for Shuichi to continue.

"Honesty is best here, if you tell one lie any lawyer will try and find a way to spin it that it was all a lie. That story is already unbelievable, so the more honest you are the better" he advised as he took a sharp turn.

"I'm sorry..." I apologized, "not your fault, it's my sons fault for not properly preparing you for this, hopefully I will manage to do what I can" he grunted.

I heard Shuichi taking deep breaths, his common method for calming down as I turned to him in pity.

"It's...he tried before sir...I just...I stuttered so much back's still hard to..." I tried to defend him, but I could tell he wasn't really listening.

The car stopped and I could hear my wheelchair being brought out, I carefully got out with some help and tried to tune out the sounds of the station.

I can do this...


The room was cold, and I could hear the slow tired breathing of the man in front of me writing something down.

I wish Shuichi was here but it wouldn't have been in good practice apparently.

"Name?" He finally asked, I could hear the click of the recording machine.

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