Chapter Three: The Plan

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~-~-~One Week later~-~-~

I tapped against my desk, barely listening to the substitute in the front. Not that it would matter, they were discussing math equations. It's pretty hard to learn formulas for problems you can't even see.

It was pretty disappointing, especially since I finally started paying attention in class for the first time in years. It was...weird. I barely understood anything they were touching, so that didn't change, but the day seemed to go by quicker for once.

It's funny actually. The days used to drag on when I used to pay attention, except for when Chi and I kept passing notes back and forth, while Kazue kept telling us to stop laughing because he was trying to pay attention so he could take notes for Chi.

It was just quiet now. 

I sighed, as my one mobile leg bounced up and down impatient, waiting for lunch so I could finally talk with Saihara. 

For some strange reason he has been less chatty lately, he's reading something that much is obvious, but every time I ask what he's reading he denies it, or said it was just a textbook. He must think I'm an idiot, but I guess I can't blame him.

He doesn't know me as the master liar. When was the last time I told a lie? Everyone else has been telling them lately, I'm going to need to catch up huh?

It's funny having Saihara for once avoiding me, when we first met he was bordering on being a stalker, and he kept poking himself into my personal stuff to the point he somehow got me to break. Then he tells me everything is because he had to solve the case about me and DICE.

Can he even tell the whole world the truth...? They would probably kill him if he even tried. I'm surprised I'm not dead yet, probably because I'm quiet. Well...I was quiet until he showed up. 

My mind went back to the day someone tried to shoot me, a cold shiver went up my spine, are they going to come back? Should I just leave Saihara alone? 

I don't know. I don't think I really have any control of what's going to happen, and that's what stings the most, I mean here I am having to sit around, blind literally, hoping to whatever god might exist that everything will somehow work itself out.

Though....really thinking about it...that's been the last few years huh? I guess Saihara finally made me self aware of it. Good for him. I hate it personally.


Saihara's POV:

I flipped through the pages of the diary, trying to get a grip on the timeline, what made things worse is that rarely dates were mentioned inside of it, rather it was a string of broken conversations that didn't lend itself for helping my investigation.

Maybe I just have to read from the beginning...? I thought to myself as I marked any passage that mentioned the substitute, DICE, and skimming for any sign of depression in any of the writers. It felt wrong searching and analyzing the book in such a way, but what else was I supposed to do?

I doubt Ouma would be willing to give a testimony at this point, it seemed to take a lot out of him just to tell me I doubt he would be excited about announcing it to a group of strangers at the police department, especially due to I still had no idea how deep the corruption ran inside of the local department.

I was getting so desperate I was even considering taking Ouma with me to visit my father.

I quickly pushed that thought out, think...think...where can I find testimonies other than Ouma, or any clues on the mental health of DICE pre the incident-

My eyes widened. It should have been obvious from the start as I looked around the room. There was a classroom full of students who had grown up with DICE in their class, surely they must know something? 

Even if they were just acquaintances with them, it would help to prove that it wasn't a suicide. Or at the very least they could help me find some kind of evidence proving against it. I nodded to myself, as I scanned the room, maybe this could work...maybe I can prove the world wrong...


Sooooooooooooooooooo what should we write in this? :p- Riko

Are you serious? This thing was your idea- Mirai

Sorry Miri q: -Riko

Please get along guys- Tsuki

We should put weird jokes and stuff- Chiasa

That sounds stupid- Mirai

Aww but I liked that idea D:- Riko

You would like anything, you don't count- Mirai

So mean!- Riko

We could log about our journey till we graduate from high school? Like a personal scrapbook for us to laugh over when we're older?- Tsuki

That sounds fun!- Chiasa

It's been three days is anyone gonna write back? I'm lonely- Chiasa

Sorry, Chiasa! Yeah that sounds like fun!- Riko

What would we even write down? We're pretty boring people- Mirai

We could just tell cool stories of the stuff we do! Like when I made Takura laugh so much milk squirted from his nose! :p- Riko

He kept screaming 'stop the fire!' it was hilarious- Chiasa

He squirted it on me- Mirai

Sorry Miri! D:- Riko

Stop calling me Miri- Mirai

Never >:D- Riko

I like those ideas...I think it would be fun- Tsuki

Ok, then it's settled- Chiasa

Will we write about the guys in this?- Mirai

Nah they're boring! JK JK JK- Riko

I'm telling Kichi- Chiasa


Muhahahaha- Chiasa

What did I do to end up with you people?- Mirai

It's your fault you were so cute when you were younger! I couldn't help but say hi- Riko

Really? (this is sarcastic)- Mirai

Yup :D- Riko

I ship it- Tsuki

Me too- Chiasa

I'm STRAIGHT!- Mirai

Are you sure about that?- Tsuki

I hate you all- Mirai

No you don't you love us :D- Riko

AGH- Mirai

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