Chapter Twenty Five: Your Emails

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Aito's POV:

Forgiveness is harder than it looks on TV. Think the problem is I sti haven't found out who I'm supposed to forgive.

Seiko got annoyed at me for being an asshole to a blind paralyzed victim. And she's right, it looks horrible but..


Ok there might not be many counters for that. Especially when you don't take into account he's mute on top of that.

I'm a good person...

Yeah no.

I sighed as I took off my shoes and stepped inside the house, I could smell the rancid stench of the take out from a week ago still on the counter.

I sighed as I entered my room, half the room was boxed up and empty. The only thing remaining was a saggy old matress on his side of the room. One my father had found out he hollowed out to hide anime memorabilia, which made the matress worthless. One of the only things he couldn't sell when my brother died.

I laid down against that matress and ignoring the stench of mothbolls tried to think of what I should do.

Or I guess what I could do.

Information on Takura...making peace...I barely know him myself so how can I even try for someone who grew up with him...

The only things he probably doesn't know is depressing...just have to think of anything good that group did for him...


"UUUGH" I groaned annoyed as I rolled around on the mattress annoyed, but in the middle my head hit a hard spot on the matress as I sat up confused.

Did...did Takura put a rock in here?

Curious I felt around the mattress until I felt the spot. It was harder and flatter than the rest of the bed as I got up and headed to the hole Dad had cut out and began fishing.

He must have missed something I guess....

It took some external pushing and manuvering however eventually I finally managed to drag out...


No way...there's no way this survived for that long...I thought it burned up...what the hell?!

In my hands was an old laptop, old even by the standards when Takura got this thing. Most of the laptop had scratches or chipped pieces falling out and even the keys seemed to have been glued or taped on to make it stay.

There's got to be a charger lying around for this thing...

I quickly set it down and dug through my own wire drawers hoping I had found it earlier and placed it among my collection. After the seventh one, it finally began charging.

I reached out to tap the screen on...then I froze. What if...what if I find something I shouldn't have...?


Just do it you baby.

Taking a deep breath I turned it on, even with the low percent I could see the background image of what seemed like some sort of costume Takura was wearing from some anime with...


I would recognize that ugly mop of hair even in the grave. I could barely contain my disgust as I saw the person I truly despised, this man...this was the one who promised he would look after him.

He was the one who let Takura die. And Takura stood next to him with a wide smile as if unaware of the fact this man would be the one who would take him to the grave.


I clicked the screen as I was met with a password screen as I groaned. Shit...come on think...what would he make up...



How did that work?

I ignored the stupidity of my brothers password as I looked across the apps. Most were outdated games, I could even see Undertale on there and some FNAF games.

I feel old now.

The new screen had a picture of his group that was clearly staged, they were smirking at the camera while sitting in their classroom.


He's...hes a lot younger that I remember...I think I'm taller now...


I ignored the cloudy feelings of nostalgia and opened up the files app on his computer, there were a few more password protected files that I decided to get to later. Most of the files were just homework assignments though..


I opened his email, I could see thousands of scam messages. I decided to leave them alone as I searched for the starred...




Why...why won't you let me hate you...? It would have been easier...if you were an awful person...

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