Chapter Fourteen: Truth

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Aito's POV:

"Why couldn't Takura come home then, if you loved him so much?"


The kid just stared at me with a shocked expression, before I saw his misty eyes...shit. I pushed through my regret and left the cafe as fast as I could. Well...maybe I don't regret it. I meant those words.

I've wanted to say them for years, ever since my brother left the house only to come home in an urn...but I said them to the wrong people....what is wrong with me?-No it isn't my fault. It's not my fault, how could I have helped him? I was too young, he didn't tell me anything, I couldn't do anything. It's not my fault...

It was never...


If you were such close friends...if you truly cared about him, if you really looked after him...your friends promised me you would...why....?

I clenched my fist and hurried home, bracing myself for her wrath.

Why is he dead?

~-~-Five Years Ago-~-~

"TAKI!" I screamed running down the halls, "YOU PWOMISED TO GET ME CANDY!" I begged while searching around the house till I heard some groaning from behind the door, "ugh...I'm coming ok...?" he called...why does he sound hurt...?

Taki came out hugging his stomach a little but blasting on a giant smile, "who wants candy?" He teased.

"I do! I do!" I screamed, "what? I can't hear anyone, guess I get to eat it all for myself, oh the horror!" He laughed.

"Nooo! I screamed in protest chasing after him as he walked further away down the hall to his room, flaunting his height by jumping to reach the small bag of candy on his shelf.

"Welp time to eat it, wow look it's chocolate pocky I'm sure this is someone's favorite, but I forgot who's" he emphasized.

That's it! I quickly grabbed the pocky box from his hands, "woah! How did I lose to a little kid?" He mumbled to himself.

"TAKURA" A loud voice echoed through the walls as he flinched, quietly he got up and headed towards the door, brushing himself off and standing as tall as possible.

"Stay in here...alright?" He asked with a small smile.

"Ok!" I agreed quickly wondering how many books I would need to stack in order to reach the rest of the hidden snacks and candy.

"Look at this! Look at you! You're getting fat, I thought you loved me, don't you trust your mother to know what is best for you?" She shouted.

Just one more.

"I'm sorry...I'll do better" Takura apologized, "yes like you've always done better. I've heard that excuse from you before, 'I'm sorry ma'am, I'll do better" she mocked.

...more candy.

"Do you honestly think I will keep believing that? DO YOU THINK I'M STUPID?!"



I sat down against the bed and closed my eyes as I tried to ignore what happened beyond the door.

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