Chapter Twenty One: Plans

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??? PoV:

I tapped my fingers against the desk looking over the building plans and scrapped ideas.

My partner stood at the side impatient, "It seems the robot won't be able to be removed" my partner told me, "they're traveling in groups now, well....we could always-"

"We can't repeat what happened, there were too many loose ends with that body count and our client gave us a maximum count of three, including the target" I reminded her. She sighed disappointed.

"So what then? We're just supposed to wait for the 'perfect moment'?" She asked mockingly.

I paused, finally picking up a pawn, "you know how chess works correct?" I asked turning to her.

"Everyone knows the pawn analogy sir, I don't know how this helps us though" she said annoyed.

I rolled my eyes at her naivety, "well, it seems we might have waited to long to take out this client" I said as I cleared most of the pieces off except for the king, a rook, and a castle.

"When we left he was left with one protector, and his mother" I told him, before I started placing more pieces on the board.

"Because we waited though, he has gained new allies, a detective" I started off placing a Queen, "and several leftovers" I told her putting on pawns.

I removed the Rook and Castle, "he's lost these allies but he's gaining still, imagine...what would happen if even one of his allies corner us?" I asked placing a white pawn near the black king.

"We're finished, but....if we use these pieces to our advantage..." I showed her through a game, she looked doubtful at this plan but wisely didn't voice her opinions.

"Then...we can wrap up all the loose ends quietly, it's just a matter of focus and careful timing" I told her.

She stared at me annoyed. "Funny coming from the person who left those loose ends. If you didn't go on about your 'purpose' we wouldn't even have to do this-"

"I have my reasons, I learned my lesson..." I told her rubbing my forehead, I could still feel the faint scar on my face.

"I won't allow feelings to cloud my judgement again"

The Boy With The Blank Stare: The PromiseWhere stories live. Discover now