Chapter Twenty Six: Future

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Saihara's POV:

I could hear my father still downstairs, he was getting annoyed again with my Uncle for his lack of involvement in this citys police force.

Because he's busy trying to solve a case I should have months ago...

I once again searched my files on DICE, some were still barebone all things considered and I was scared about time running out on the statute of secrecy.

Because if I can at least prove he faked his identity...then everything else about this case would need to be reconsidered.

After all, who is going to want to listen to the half baked theory of a high schooler?

All the files and information I could gather on the substitute however were vague at best. He went to supposedly a four year institution but no where on his resume could I see it.

As for his name, which Ouma never mentioned to me, was Hitoshi Tateyama, but when I searched for old social media profiles I never could find any records.

It was if he didn't exist, the only photos remaining of him were found in a corner of a yearbook.

His hair didn't even seem to be his natural color at that, a dark green but the more I compared it it to his eyebrows it was clear his hair used to be a much darker color.

So why...why would any school hire him? There must have been better candidates for a substitute teacher position, and I doubt Aunt Jin even knew who would be replacing her, so how...


Did he have bigger connections than I thought? I knew the police must have been involved to even present a false case of suicide...but the school as well?

If it was just to get rid of pranksters why not just expell them? Most of DICE were from lower class families, and only Otome seemed to have a powerful family. So if anything they could have just expelled the rest and given her some form of suspension if they were scared of losing face...

So why kill them? Why allow themselves to have such a dark reputations and financial burden rebuilding the school and handling the press after their deaths?


The sudden sound jolted me from my thoughts as I opened my phone. Hoping to hear from Ouma after what had happened. I really ruined things didn't I?

1 New Email

From: Danuja Aito

Hey Saihara you wanted information on Takura right? Well this might sound dumb but I found his laptop and some old emails from him and his friend Fujioka.

I feel like a bit of an ass cause of last time. I didn't mean to get angry or upset like that.

It's just that I barely even remember my brother, and I wish I did. So seeing one of his friends like that...I don't know I just got annoyed that he couldn't have been saved too.

Yeah the more I read this the more like an asshole I seem.

I don't need to see Ouma, don't think I even want to. Just want to give you the photocopies I made if you want/need them.

So...yeah. Send me a message back I guess.


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