Chapter 15 : The wild one

Start from the beginning

He had made billions of dollars from his nightclub that he owned. If you wanted someone killed or blackmail he was the right person to see about that. But Summer Anton was his best assassin until she had shot one of his men who was sent to retrieve a certain file from her after she killed the client and then she was gone

But here she was now he thought.

Yuri said in harden Russian accent" Summer what brings you back to my neck of woods, the last thing I heard was that you were working for the CIA"

Summer said"Not anymore I botched an assassination job on a Saudi Prince they left me out to dry no contacts no safe house. I'm looking for work Yuri you know what I can do"

Yuri thought for a moment thinking he could trust her again then said"You betrayed my trust and hurt Mogilevich, but maybe we can come to an agreement. I have some clients in the Kremlin that want to question a certain CIA officer by the name of Lex Jackson. You see he has highly classified information they want"

Summer glanced around the nightclub inside as she observed the surroundings, she saw three to four armed men with MP7 in their hands. She knew she could take them, it was no problem.

She reached into her pocket in her leather jacket and pulled her  KA-BAR  fighting grabbed Yuri hand slamming it on the table as she stuck her blade in it.

Her eyes turned so cold and brutal as she said"There's no fucking way I'm going to hand over Lex to you know"

Yuri screamed"You just made a great big mistake I don't know how you got in but you're not getting out"

Summer said"That's what you think"as she withdrew her suppressed Glock from her shoulder holster and gripped it with both hands. She squeezed the trigger putting a round into one of the security men coming toward her.

Yuri said"Kill her now I want her dead"

Summer glanced around the nightclub inside as she observed the surroundings, she saw three to four armed men with MP7 in their hands. She knew she could take them, it was no problem. 

 Summer pivoted firing three more shots at four gunmen rushing her way. Two ladies rose up in panicked and hurried out. She didn't care about them. She leveled her suppressed pistol at Yuri head saying"I am hired now or do I put a round into you too"

Yuri said"yes dammit your back in business My clients will still want Lex to question, and I will hire twelve thousand dollars into one of your offshore bank accounts"

Summer slipped her suppressed Glock back into her shoulder and pulled out the fixed blade and said"I will be in touch after"

She strolled back up the corridor and exited out the back door of the nightclub. Luckily she still had an apartment here that she kept for Operational use only. She walked over to the Mazda CX-3 and, climbed in. Then she drove off down the narrow street to the apartment knowing that Yuri would probably call Mogilevich that she was back. 

She drove up to the apartment a couple away and parked the vehicle as she stepped out, made her way over to the front entrance of the apartment building. She grabbed the door as she entered looking over her shoulder.

Then she ventured up the staircase to the seventh floor, and walked down the hall to the apartment and reached into her pocket removing her key to unlocked the door before she entered. 

The apartment was small but nice with a secret compartment where she kept her weapons. She walked over to the sofa and collapsed on it. One thing for she knew Yuri was somehow involved in the black market but how was the question

Yuri reached into his pocket inside tailor-made Russian three-button suit for his ta and pulled out his burner and punched in the number for Semion Mogilevich, as he looked at the wounded hand that Summer had stuck her knife into. He knew that Mogilevich would be happy to hear that Summer Anton was no longer for the CIA.

The Merchant of the Black Market, A Lex Jackson thriller: Book twoWhere stories live. Discover now