Finally outside the forest.

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(ME AT TOP!!! LOOK!! Hehe! 😊 but like I look totally different. READ!!)

My mind was swirling with questions. I didn't know what he hell was going on. " Raven.....Raven.....Raven!" Fire Breath yelled. "Huh? What happened???" I said. " We are almost out of this forest!!!" He said with delight. " Oh ok." I said bored. Ok what's with my dad being in the vision??? Why was that poor lady there too? Who is she? Why was she there? What were they doing? Did she like what dad was doing? Ugh!!! I can't think! What's with all these questions? I think about all these things while we make our way out. I look up. " Hey Fire Breath I don't think we're gonna get out here soon." I said. "Why not?" He replied. "Look up. It's almost night time. We need to get our rest." I said. " I guess you have a point."

We didn't really have anything on us so it took us a while to set things up. We had to make a fire then we had to make a bed out of moss. It was hard and thank goodness it was night time when we were done. I lay down on my moss bed thing... " Hey. Raven?" He said " Yeah?" I replied. "Is it ok if I show my true feelings to you?" He said seeming to be shy. " Yeah sure." I said not knowing what he means. "Look. Your really cute too. A-a-and I want this advent-t-true to umm like, last forever." He says. Not knowing what to say next. I blush deeply. And when I say deeply. I mean DEEPLY. (Tell me in the comments if I spelled deeply wrong.) I turn my head and say,"W-w-what are you talking about? We are trying to get out of this place." You can say when I turned my head around. He did something that started a new relationship. You now what he did? When I turned around to face him. He was right in front of me. We were so close together I could smell his sweet breath. He kissed me. I was shocked. You could probably imagine what I was like. I couldn't do anything. I was way too tired. So I just let him kiss me. His small tongue explored every inch in my mouth until we both parted for air. He wouldn't stop though. Before I could take another breath he continued the kiss. I was breathless. That night was ,I can say, was one of the most best days I've had in my afterlife so far. Everyday in my life I've been scared and alone. And now..... I have him. Fire Breath. I feel the same way to I guess. "I love you." we both said at the same time. " I-I-I-I'm so sorry!! I didn't know what I was doing s-so I just,well kissed you. I'm sorry." He said. "It's ok. Really. I kinda feel the same way too." I said smiling and giggled a little.

Next morning.....

Raven:Damn.... It's bright. Wait... it's bright? Ugh whatever. *yawn* is he awake?
I look over at Fire Breath. No... he is still sleeping like a cute little baby. I giggle a little. I see the fire's out. I went out to look for berries or something to eat. I walk a little away from our camp. I start walking. But even if I keep walking. I can't find anything. Ugh.....couple minutes later...... I FOUND THEM! I pick as many as I can and put them all in my pocket. I start walking back. Well trying to walk back to the camp. I can see our stuff a little from far away. I get back to the camp. I get like something bowl like and put the berries in. I get to a nearby stream and wash the Berries. I know it's not much but that's all I can find.

(Author: from this point on I will change P.O.Vs kay? ok AND Start!)

Fire Breath POV
Ugh.... I see Raven washing some berries. " Hey. Um Raven?" I said. "Yeah?" She answered. " Is it breakfast?" I said. "Oh! Umm. yeah I guess..... It's not much I'm sorry." She said sadly. " Oh! That's fine. really. I don't mind. It's not like I ever really had breakfast." I said while muttering the last words. I ate the berries. I was a little more hungry but now you can say that I love her so it doesn't matter. "Hey Fire Breath. We should get going now. Other people will find our camp soon." Raven said. "Yeah ok." I said.

Raven's P.O.V
We finished the bowl. I guess I should've try to look for more things to eat. The sky you can say is really bothering me. We take our stuff. But like really. We don't have much. We started to move out. We walked for a really long time. I almost thought that there was no way out of this forest. But just as when I doubted my understanding. Fire Breath said," Hey! Look! Raven!! WE'RE OUT!!" I was happy out of my mind. And you can obviously tell that he was happy too. And now we're out of this forest.....

(Author: To all who think "Fire Breath" is a stupid. Don't blame me. I started this a few months before. And I stopped writing for a bit. And now I too think "Fire Breath" is a stupid name. But you's a pain in the ass. Sooooo... Read more please!! Next chap WILL be messed up.😉)


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