11 : Invitation

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Rhian sighed for the 10th time, slamming her book close before leaning back on her desk chair. She spent the whole afternoon studying and reviewing her notes for tomorrow's last final exam and so far, she only finished one subject. Her mind was all over the place.

Over the course of the week, Rhian had made it official about her 'relationship' with Glaiza, due to Jason's annoying questions. It was because of him that made things started to get awkward between her and Glaiza. They were forced to hold hands and say sweet nothings to each other whenever students would see them together, especially Jason. Based from her observation, Glaiza seemed calm about having to do these things, but to Rhian, it made her uncomfortable and embarrased, mainly because she had no experience in romance. Good thing she was able to picked up some things through her books, so she was able to apply some of them. But it didn't shake off the idea of having a mistake and messing it all up.

And even though they had made it obvious that they were indeed a couple, Jason is still pestering her by constantly asking about her day and leaving her love letters inside her locker. Its like her relationship with Glaiza doesn't faze him and it frustrated her to know that her plan wasn't working.

And to top it all, requirements have been piling through the whole week. This week was supposed to be review week, but apparently the teachers decided to drop all the major performance tasks on the said week. So the students barely been reviewed about previous topics on certain subjects, especially the major ones.

That is why instead of relaxing her mind, she was here cramming herself on studying two more subjects because she spend the whole morning finishing her performance tasks that are all to be sumbitted tomorrow.

This is crazy! Why would they even propose the submitted due dates be on the day of exam?! I mean are they trying to kill us?! They really are a son of a-

Her thoughts were cut off by a knock on her door. The door opened revealing her maid.

"Uh Ms. Rhian, where should I put this?"

"Oh! Just right on my nightstand please. Thank you." The maid nodded and left.

Rhian grab her textbook and sat on her bed, grabbing her peanut butter sandwich given by her maid. She didn't had dinner because she was busy doing her requirements so when her mother heard about this, she told the maid to bring Rhian sandwiches to at least have something to fill her stomach, which her mother insisted her. As she was munching on her sandwich, she continued reviewing.

Well, I guess I wouldn't have my beauty sleep, after all.


True to Rhian's words, the brown-haired girl indeed didn't have enough sleep. She could barely even keep her eyes open during her ride to the school. So imagine Glaiza's surprise when she saw her walking like a zombie.

"Don't even start." Rhian said as she pass by her, and walk towards her locker. When she finish putting out her books, she turned and was shocked to see Glaiza close to her.

"Do you want-"

"Oh thank God!" Rhian grab the plastic cup from Glaiza's hand and chugged down the content, enjoying the sweet cold coffee passing down her throat.

"Uh, your welcome?" Glaiza said. Rhian looked at her and then only realize that Glaiza wasn't holding another cup. Which only means...

"Oh shit! I thought it was mine! God, how I could be so stupid! Here let me pay you back." Rhian fished out her wallet and was about to give her the money when she heard Glaiza chuckle.

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