40 : Jealous

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"... And that's it! You have now a realistic drawing of a penguin." Jason says as he showed the finished product of the animal on his sketch pad.

Rhian leaned in closer beside the guy, assessing his drawing then back to hers. From the looks of it, her drawing kinda resembles Jason's. "Hmm, yeah. I think I got it. It almost looks like yours, doesn't it?"

Jason glance at her sketch pad and nodded, before giving the rich girl a smile. "It does. Now you know how to draw realistics."

"Only the animal ones, though." Rhian says as she gaze at the three papers on the table with their realistic drawings of panda, elephant, and tiger. "I still haven't got the hang of drawing realistic landscapes." She glance at the numerous crumpled papers of her attempted drawings of the said realistics.

A phone call vibrated on the table, before Jason picked up. After a minute or so, he let out a sigh before facing Rhian.

"I'm sorry to cut off this drawing session of ours, but mother needs me in her office. Maybe next time we can resume this and I'll teach you to draw realistic landscapes and even celebrity profiles, if you like?" Jason smiled hopefully.

"Sure, I'd like that!" Rhian beamed.

"Alright. Would you be okay to fix all these drawing materials on your own?" Jason asked, to which Rhian nodded.

"Thanks, I'll see you later." Jason says before giving Rhian a side hug and heading out.

While the rich girl was arranging color pencils onto its case, she heard laughter from below. She peeked from the railing of her room's terrace only to see Chloe, Glaiza, and Benjamin running and chasing each other around their backyard. She watch as Benjamin catch his girlfriend by her waist behind her and shared a backhug, only cutting it short when Chloe came running towards them and joined in for the hug. Rhian didn't miss the smiles on their faces, especially the couple, who maintained eye contact with each other.

Rhian could only grip the pencil case she's holding tighter before the three went inside. She gave out a sigh before continuing in fixing her things. By the time she finish, she headed downstairs and saw Benjamin standing by the main door, carrying Chloe on his arms before Glaiza cupped Benjamin's face and gave him a kiss on the lips. After that, Benjamin and Chloe went out.

"Do you really have to kiss him in front of your younger sister?" Rhian says, approaching Glaiza.

"What's it to you? Benjamin's my boyfriend, so obviously I would kiss him." Glaiza defended. "Besides, it was just a peck, its not like we were making out or anything."

"Still, Chloe shouldn't be witnessing it, especially up close. Also, didn't I tell you to save your PDA with Ben somewhere else and not inside my house?" Rhian crossed her arms. She don't know why she's suddenly angry, and no matter how many times she shrug it off, the passionate kiss shared between Glaiza and Benjamin made her eyes sore.

"If I recall correctly, you said that I can't have intimate affection to Ben only if Jason's around... And I just saw your fiancè driving off 2 minutes ago so... technically, I can do whatever I want with Ben." Glaiza says levelling her gaze with the rich girl.

"Well, this is also my house. And your my guest, so you do what I say." Rhian narrowed her eyes.

"What if I don't? You'll kick me out?" Glaiza raised her eyebrow, before slowly walking closer to her. "Would you really do that to someone who you confessed your feelings to? You don't want that, do you?"

Oh, I would if I want. Since you rejected me after all the false hope you'd given me and still be with Benjamin. But no, I won't do that. I'm not petty.

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