14 : Surprises

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Pic Above: Ramos' Provincial House

Glaiza's eyes were getting droopy as she stared at the cars and the people passing by outside of the window. She had been gazing out for a while now, her head absentmindedly sliding down from her palm and was about to close her eyes, had it not from the sudden squeal from her side.

"Huh?" Glaiza bolted, from her almost sleepy state of mind. "What's happening?"

"Next! Next!" Chloe said bouncing excitedly on Rhian's lap.

Rhian chuckled and click the next episode of Adventure Time. It turns out that Glaiza's little sister had been gushing out the characters she love on the said cartoon show. So imagine the excitement on Chloe's face when Rhian said that they could watch it on her phone. Now, they're onto the next 5th episode.

"We're watching Adventure Time and she got excited." Rhian turned to Glaiza. "Sorry for disturbing your sleep."

Glaiza straightened on her seat. "Oh I wasn't sleeping. I was just resting. Anyway, I should be the one saying sorry. It looks likes you're the one Chloe's bothering now." She was about to take her sister away from her, when she was stopped by Rhian.

"Its fine, I don't mind. I promised her that we'd watch Adventure Time together. Besides, you can take your rest. I could see that you didn't really get any sleep last night. Don't worry, I'll handle Chloe." Rhian said.

"Are you sure? For your information, Chloe doesn't lose her energy when it comes to her favourite show. So it might annoy you." Glaiza replied, unsure.

"I've handle worse. Really, its alright." Rhian smiled reassuringly.

Glaiza didn't argued more mainly because she really wants to rest. After giving a last look to the two, she went back to propping her elbow near the window and rest her head on it. A minute later, her eyes closed and before she knew it, she was whisked away to dreamland.

During her sleep, she shifts in her seat, looking for a more comfortable position. Of course, it didn't go unnoticed to the brown-haired girl sitting beside her. During the 7th episode, Chloe had somehow fallen asleep on her lap.

As Rhian was carefully putting her phone on her pocket without making too much movement, she felt a weight on her left shoulder. Slowly, she turn and saw Glaiza leaning on her. Watching the short-haired girl, she noticed her breathing and the small sighs she releases, indicating that the girl is indeed in deep sleep.

Her gazing was cut short when she heard loud laughter and giggling from the front. It seems that Glaiza's friends and Rhian's have been getting along. What with Lovi being the center of attention, conveying her words through her expressions and hand gestures, to which the rest would laugh. Sometimes, attention would divert to Julie-Anne who would sometimes add or disagree with whatever it is that Lovi was saying.

Rhian turned to look at two girls sleeping on her lap and beside her, surprised that the two were still knocked off despite the loud noise.

"Hey couz! You okay back there?" Lovi called, making the others chuckle at the brown-haired girl's position right now.

"I would be, if you tone your voices down a bit. You're gonna wake them up." Rhian whisper-shouted, glaring a little at her cousin's high-pitch voice.

"That wouldn't be necessary. Disturb them hoewever you like, they wouldn't budge. Those two are heavy sleepers." Chynna said while eating her chips.

Hearing the familiar crunch, Rhian suddenly felt hungry. But how could she divulge into food with the two sleeping persons preventing her?

"Hey Rhian! Heads up!" Dennis said and tossed her a large pack of cheese-flavored Piattos.

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