30 : Chilling

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"... Sorry this took long, Glaiza. I know I should've handed your salary two weeks ago, but there was an important emergency I had to attend and my mind was all over the place. It totally slip off of my mind." Tito Miguel apologized, as he handed the short-haired girl a small brown envelope. "And since I've heard positive comments about you from your co-workers, I added additional cash in there."

Glaiza's eyes widened as she opened the envelope, seeing thick stack of money in it. "This is too much, Tito Miguel. I... I can't take this." She says before she held back the envelope to her boss.

"No, you deserve it Glaiza. I was told that it was because of your charismatic and bubbly attitude that my cafe had doubled up the people coming in. So take it, as my thank you gift for you." Tito Miguel replied pushing back the envelope to her.

"It was no biggy, sir. Its just how I am. I'm glad that I could help gather people in this cafe." Glaiza smiles. "Thank you so much for this, Tito Miguel."

She exits his office with a big grin on her face, also thanking her co-workers for putting up a good comment about her. Since, her shift is ending, she collect her things and bid goodbye to the others. While walking, she check her phone. She tried to hide the dissapointment that is slowly creeping in, when she saw no chats, messages, or even missed calls from her boyfriend.

She put the phone back in her pocket and clutch her jacket tighter. The weather is cloudy, with an inkling that it'll rain later. Glaiza's mood is as gray as the clouds above her. She hadn't heard anything from Benjamin ever since he left. She tried calling him the morning after the night her nightmare occured, but he was out of reach, which had only increased her sour mood that time and sulk all morning at her room.

But she understands though, she know that her boyfriend is having their family reunion and his tennis practice with his coach. She just hopes that he could contact her soon.

Feeling a drip on her cheek and hearing a thunder, Glaiza pull the hood of her jacket over her head and ran towards the Ramos' residence. Stepping inside, she cursed under her breath as her wet clothes clung to her. She took off her heavy jacket and stomp on the doormat to dry her sandals.

She look to her left when she heard conversations. She was a tad surprise to see five to ten adults sitting on the living room talking with Rhian. When the rich girl glance at her, she furrowed her eyebrows seeing Glaiza's wet figure. She excused herself from them and approach the short-haired girl.

"Who are they?" Glaiza asks motioning her head to the strangers.

"I'll tell you later." Rhian vaguely replied before assessing Glaiza's figure. "You're soaked."

"Really? I didn't notice." Glaiza sarcastically said to which Rhian gave her a pointed look.

"Come, lets get you upstairs before you catch a cold." Rhian says.

"Wait, what about them?" Glaiza questioned, looking at the strangers talking among themselves.

"They're not going anywhere." Rhian answered before grabbing Glaiza's wrist and going up to their room.

"Take a warm bath and scrub your feet to avoid acquiring germs. I'll be right back, okay?" Rhian glance up and saw the confusion written on the short-haired girl's face.

The rich girl sighed, grab the towel hanging on the bathroom door, placed it on Glaiza's hand, and gently push her to the bathroom, before she went out.

Not wanting to dwell on the rich girl's sudden behavior, Glaiza strip her clothes off and turn on the shower. She sighs in content before she scrub her body with soap, especially her feet, as per Rhian said. Feeling refreshed, she wrap the towel on her body and went out, finding Rhian putting a tray on the table. She saw the rich girl froze when she turn towards her, her eyes  glancing at her wrapped body.

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