34 : Fiesta Fiasco (Part 2)

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The parade ended with the appearance of the band, that brought a couple of cheers from the watchers. The two joined their friends as they went to roam around, until they came across this wooden sign that says Mud Games. Going in, there were three kinds of games. Tug-of-war, tangled-rope crawling, and piglet chasing. All of which involves mud on it. There was a tiny argument on which game should the group try first, which ended with Brian proposing something.

"How about this, we'll split into two group, the same group we had when we played a game with Chloe. All of us will register as players and stay within our assigned group, treating the opposing as enemies. The team who loses will treat the winners free food. What do you guys say?" To which he was met with nods and yesses.

First game: Tug-of-war. The group was given a spare of long white shirt to keep their clothes stain-free of mud.

"You ready to lose again?" Glaiza smirked as she put on the shirt.

Rhian scoffed. "You wish."

The two groups positioned themselves, grabbing the rope, before the man in charge gave the go signal. Two teams began pulling, their bare feet digging into the mud. Rhian clench her jaw, her hold tightening on the rope as she listened to Jason's order to keep pulling from behind her. Her feet began dragging forward as Glaiza's group pulled on the rope, three of her groupmates already beyond the line. If Paul and Glaiza herself cross the line, they would win.

Rhian heard Jason's order to twist their front foot sidewards and slightly bend their upperbody backwards. The group obeyed before pulling the rope forward. Pull after pull, Rhian's groupmates cross their line until it was only Dennis left. After giving a hard pull, Glaiza's team was pulled forward and land straight into the mud. Rhian's group cheered as they won. Rhian, together with her friends, complimented Jason's smart strategy.

"Shut up." Glaiza snapped at Rhian's smirk, as she get up from the mud.

"What? I didn't say anything." Rhian defended, with a smile.

"Yeah, well you have that 'we win and you losers suck' look on your face." Glaiza says.

"That is true." Glaiza gave a playful glare when Rhian shot her a smug look.

Next game: Tangled-rope crawling. Two sets of numerous ropes are laid out like a bunch of lasers and the first team who's all members reached the other end, wins. First players are Katrina and Dennis, positioning themselves in a crawling position on the mud before they heard the go signal. One by one, each members of the group crawled their way out of the tangled ropes, with Glaiza's team on the lead. Shortly after, they claimed their victory. Glaiza shot Rhian a mocking look to which the latter shook her head in amusement.

Last game: Piglet chasing. For this game, it only required one player from each group, to which Lovi suggest something.

"How about Glaiza and Jason? That way we'll know who's really deserving to be with Rhian. Also, to determine which team wins. So, it'll be like hitting two birds with one stone."

"I'm in." Glaiza agreed.

"Yeah, me too." Jason nodded.

The group gave motivated words to both the players as they register themselves as players. Jason already step inside the pigpen but Glaiza walk towards the rich girl.

"What's the matter?" Rhian asked.

"I forgot something." Glaiza replied before giving a quick kiss on the girl's cheek. "For my good luck."

Glaiza gave her a wink before running to the pigpen. The group teased the rich girl, which brought a blush on Rhian's face. Lovi nudge her and gave her knowing look. Rhian just shook her head in amusement before she watch how the game goes.

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