44 : I Love You

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After watching the entertaining, mostly funny performances of the 1st batch of performers, a 10-minute break was announced. Rhian, together with Brian and Dennis volunteered to buy the group snacks, so that the ones staying could save their seats from being stolen.

Avoiding bumping into people, the three expertedly maneuvered themselves through the crowd, before they came across a food stall with only a few customers. When the tacos they've ordered weren't enough, they've decided to add in chicken burgers, along with Coke and bottled water. Shortly after, they went back, distributing the food. While doing so, a tap on Rhian's shoulder grab the rich girl's attention before she could go over to sit beside Glaiza.

She turn around to see the twins smiling at her. "Oh, hey guys! You're also here to perform?"

"Yeah, we wish to try dancing again. And hopefully, fingers crossed, we land a winning place." The shorter twin says.

"No doubt." Rhian smiles reassuringly.

"What about you? You're also here to perform?" The other twin asks.

"Oh no, I'm here to support my friend. She's the one performing." Rhian replied, glancing at Glaiza, who was typing away at her phone.

The twins widened their eyes. "Holy shit, is that Glaiza? The Glaiza?"

"Oh yeah, that's her! Hey, we should introduce ourselves to her." Before the rich girl could dismiss their wish, the two already began approaching Glaiza.

She saw the short-haired girl angling her head to gaze at the twins, as the two sat in front of her. Rhian walk briskly towards them, timingly catching the three introducing themselves.

"So, you're the one Rhian was gushing on about. Wow, you look even cuter in personal than in a phone screen." The shorter twin commented.

"Thanks." Glaiza lightly chuckled. "And Rhian gushing things about me? Good things, I hope." Giving Rhian a quick nervous glance before looking back up at the twins.

"Oh, yes of course. Whenever we have video chats with her, all she do is talk and compliment about you. Glaiza here, Glaiza that. You're really her special someone she's so whipped about. Its amusing, really." The other twin smirked.

"Yeah, we could practically see her heart eyes whenever she list things she admired about you and how her lips were insanely stretch into a wide smile at even the mention of your name." The shorter twin added.

"Alright, that's enough guys." Rhian hissed, her cheeks already warm. "I think I didn't ask for you to bother Glaiza..." She avert her gaze downward and mumbles, "... and expose me like that."

The twins snickered and walk off, saying that they'll catch up with them after the talent show. The rich girl shook her head at the twins' actions.

She got one taco, a burger, one softdrink, and the water she bought. Sitting beside Glaiza, she unwrapped the burger and handed out to her, knowing the short-haired girl mentioned that she was fond of burgers.

"Sooo, you talk to them about me?" Glaiza teased.

"Uh, yeah. At times." Rhian replied, scratching her cheek lightly.

"So I've heard. 'Cause I'm your special someone, huh?" Glaiza wiggled her eyebrows, to which Rhian's cheeks burn brighter, averted her eyes elsewhere and chuckled nervously.

The short-haired girl nudge the girl softly beside her. "Hey, you're pretty special to me too." Making Rhian's heart soar in happiness and a wide smile to appear on the rich girl's face.

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