15 : Unsure

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                   Pic Above: Dennis

While Rhian was changing her clothes, she couldn't shake off what Jason had said earlier.

Is it obvious that we're only faking it? Are we really that stiff with each other? But I've asked Glaiza to be my girlfriend in public and she said yes. Not just that, but we had hold hands and hugged each other. Doesn't those things count as being romantic? Tsk! Jason was probably just messing with us. Just tricking me to think that I should choose and be with him. Ha! Like that would happen.

... But what if he's right? What if we really do not act as a couple? Then that would mean that the plan is failing!

Rhian brushed her hair quickly and went upstairs. She walked briskly until she came across the room where Glaiza is staying. She was about to knock when a thought came to her.

Maybe I'm just overreacting. I'm sure we're doing well.

She drop her hand and turn to walk away when another thought came to her.

... But what if Jason interrogates us? Or his parents? What if they ask questions about our relationship and both me and Glaiza answer at the same time, only to know that we had different answers? That would be so messed up!

Rhian turn again and held her hand on the door and was about to knock on the door when again, a thought pass her.

On the other hand, maybe I'm just being paranoid. Ugh! Here I go again! Overthinking things!

She was about to walk away when the door opens, revealing Glaiza.

"Oh hey! Did you need something?" Glaiza asked.

"I uh...uhm... nevermind. It was nothing." Rhian said dismissing it and walked away only to be stopped by Glaiza.

"Are you sure? 'Cause it looks like you were about to knock on my door." Glaiza pressed.

Rhian looked back at her for a while before she sighed. "Okay, fine. I actually wanted to talk to you about something." Glaiza nodded and ushered her inside.

"Wait, aren't you getting anything?" Rhian said when she remembered the short-haired girl opening her door unexpectedly.

"Oh no," Glaiza said. "Your shadow illuminated inside and didn't go away for a while, and thought it was a ghost or something. I got a little scared."

Rhian chuckled and at the same time embarassed. "Sorry about that."

"So," Glaiza said sitting on the bed."What it is you want to talk about?"

"Well," Rhian closed the door and lean on it. "Do you think that Jason was right? I mean, do we not portray ourselves as a real couple?"

Glaiza thought for a while and answered. "Mm, I think so. He did mentioned that we act awkward with each other. He wouldn't tell us that if we're not."

"Maybe because he's just messing with us? He would do anything just to get to me, even if it means saying false things about our relationship." Rhian countered.

"Well false or not, I think we should be more... romantic with each other."

"You think so?"

"Yeah, just to be sure that we won't screw up. That is, if you still want to continue our plan?"

"Of course! Its just..."

"Just what?"

Rhian averted her eyes uncomfortably. "Well, I don't really know much about... romantic stuff."

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