08 : Unfair

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Even though Glaiza wished that Rhian would apologize to her, it still came as a surprise when she said it. Before all of that, her day was quite busy. She went from fast food to fast food, and store to store. After 2 more job hunting with no positive results, she decided that she went home. She was really upset. It was now raining hard so she quickly hail a trycicle before she get wet. But she immediately halt the driver, when she saw someone basically drenched. She quickly got her small almost worn out umbrella and hold it out on the person's head.

Imagine the shock Glaiza felt when she saw that it was Rhian. It seems that these past few days, Rhian has been doing things that shocked Glaiza. One of which is this. So without hesitation, she took her in. She would have directed the trycicle driver to Rhian's home but it was quite far and she didn't bring enough money, so she decided that her own home would be the best option. It also shocked Glaiza's dad when she saw a drenched Rhian, for the main reason that he saw her for the first time in two years. So when Glaiza ask him to help her tend Rhian, he was glad to do so.

Glaiza's thought about yesterday's happenings were interrupted when she felt a nudge from her right elbow. She turn and saw her dad holding a bowl full of rice.

"Cha, go on and tell Rhian that breakfast is served. Oh! And also wake up your sister. She wouldn't want to miss another episode of Adventure Time again. You know how she reacts." Glaiza's dad said while preparing the table, to which Glaiza nodded.

She made a beeline to her room, just in time to see Rhian closing the bathroom door. "Hey, breakfast is almost ready. Come down and join us. I'm sure you're hungry since you didn't eat last night."

"Yeah, I'm practically starving." Rhian let out a nervous laugh while following Glaiza until they were standing in front of a plain brown door.

"What're we doing here?" Rhian questioned.

"Need to wake up my sister." Glaiza answered and slowly turn the knob.

Rhian eyes went wide. It didn't cross her mind about meeting her sister again. She wondered if she could still remember her. Back then, she was still so young.

When they walked in, she saw that the girl was indeed still sleeping with a purple teddy bear on her side. A smile crept on Rhian's face.

"Baby, hey, wake up." Glaiza softly said as she shake the young girl's shoulder gently.

"Nooo, need to go back to dreamland." The latter responded with a groan and swatted Glaiza's hand.

"Okay, fine, guess you don't want to see Adventure Time anymore-" Before Glaiza could finish her sentence, the young girl instantly bolt to sit up with eyes opened.

"I'm up! I'm up!" She said to which Rhian chuckle.

The young girl then turn her eyes to Rhian, who immediately stopped.

"Uhm.." She cleared her throat. "Hi, Chloe."

Rhian was about to walk towards her, when the young girl went behind Glaiza.

"Chloe, its your Ate Rhian. You don't have to hide from her." Glaiza said and tried to get Chloe's hands off her shirt, but still didn't let go.

"Its okay Glaiza." Rhian said and stop a few inches from the bed.

"I guess you don't remember me, huh?" Chloe shook her head no.

"Okay, well, that's fine. We can start off from the beginning... Hi, I'm Rhian, and you are?"

"I'm Chloe." The girl said softly.

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