42 : Half Feelings

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It turns out, Glaiza's father was diagnosed with Vitamin Deficiency Anemia and the doctor said that symptoms includes fatigue, shortness of breath, dizziness, and weight loss, which according to both Chloe and one of Papa Vin's co-workers is all true and evident. That's why Papa Vin received an earful of scold from Glaiza. He had to stay at the hospital for a couple of weeks to monitor his health.

Ever since Glaiza had a talk with the doctor, she haven't been in the house almost everyday. Even if she is, its almost late at night. She's either at the hospital or at Tito Miguel's cafe. According to my uncle, Glaiza took extra shifts and had been working almost 24 hours a day. So much so, that I miss her.

It also didn't help that whenever I visited the hospital or the cafe, Benjamin was also there, accompanying Glaiza. I didn't get to ask Glaiza about her situation with Benjamin and I don't plan on asking her yet because I don't want to add more problems to the one she's currently dealing. That's why I still keep my distance from Glaiza whenever her boyfriend is around, even though I badly want to stay close to her. Although Glaiza continues to be affectionate towards me, it still hurts to see them both together.

Sighingly, Rhian closed her book and leaned back on the chair. She glance at her friend Josh, smiling and talking animatedly with his girlfriend via video call, before she stood up and return the book on the bookshelf.

Lucky. He gets to talk to his lover whenever he wants. While here I am, daydreaming and yearning for Glaiza's voice, touch, and hell her presence.

This, however, was immediately thrown out of the window when the moment she step foot inside her room and saw the said girl hunched back in front of her study table scribbling something. Rhian's litted eyes drop down when she notice the scowl on Glaiza's face and massaging her right temple. She creeped behind the girl before slowly bringing her hands on Glaiza's shoulder, squeezing it. Glaiza's gaze shot up and jump in surprise before sighing in relief when she saw that it was only the rich girl.

"Rhian." Glaiza says, throwing her arms around the rich girl, that had effectively made the both of them stumble back in bed.

"Hey there." Rhian chuckled, snaking her arms around Glaiza's back hugging her closer.

The short-haired girl hummed in response before nestling her head on Rhian's neck, inhaling the girl's fragrant scent. Rhian exhaled at the warm feeling.

God, I miss her so much.

"You okay?" The rich girl whispered.

"Not really." Glaiza muttered to which Rhian was about to pull away in worry, but the short-haired girl hold on to her tighther.  "Don't. I just need your hug right now."

Although hesitant, she complied, and began caressing the girl's hair with her left hand, while her other hand draw random patterns on the girl's back, hoping that it helps ease Glaiza's mind. And it was proven effective based from Glaiza's firm hold on Rhian.

Minutes after, Glaiza pulled away and sat up on Rhian's thighs, her hand already holding the red notebook she's holding earlier. Rhian saw the girl's eyes lit up in realization before jotting down something on it.

"What's that?" The rich girl asked, as she also sat up.

"Just my calculations on the expenses I should pay." Glaiza drop the pen and frown as she assess her notes, before sighing. "Father's expenses includes his hospitalization and the supplements he need. Chloe's tuition payment is also drawing near, and I'm no closer in reaching even half of the total payment."

Rhian frown in worry. "Then let me help you, G. I'll pay Papa Vin's hospital expenses and you can also borrow my credit card to pay for Chlo-"

Pretend You're MineOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora