10 : Will You Be My Girlfriend?

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Glaiza groaned loudly when she heard continuous loud knocks on her door.

"Cha! Cha! Hey wake up!" Her father shouted to which Glaiza just ignored it and rolled to her stomach and put a pillow on the back of her head, ready to go back to her dream land.

"Cha, you better be getting ready, 'cause you only have 10 minutes before your class starts!" With that que, Glaiza bolted upwards and put on the first clothes her eyes land on and opened the door, surprising her dad.

"See, I'm already up." Glaiza past her dad and walked briskly downstairs all the while spraying perfume on her body with her dad behind her. She saw Chloe already eating scrambled egg with rice. As much as Glaiza wanted that, she hasn't much time, so instead, she took an apple and grab her bag.

"Wait, you're not eating?" Her dad asked.

"No, but I got this," She raised her apple. "I'm heading out now, love you both!"

Glaiza ran outside while she frantically comb her short messy hair with her right hand, while she chew her apple on her left hand. Good thing their house was just a couple blocks away from her school.

As soon as she step foot on the school premises, she immediately knew that she was doomed. There wasn't a single student outside. So before she could catch her breath, she pushed herself and ran inside the hallway. What's worst was, she has to climb two flights of stairs to reach her destination.

And when she indeed reach her class, she burst through the doors, making all eyes turn towards her.

"Ms. De Castro, glad you could finally join us." Mr. Sanchez sarcastically said.

"Sorry." Glaiza mumbled before walking to her seat next to Rhian.

"You didn't pass by my house." Rhian said, making Glaiza mentally facepalmed herself, sighing guiltily.

"I know, I'm sorry, I woke up late-"

"You left me alone this morning to deal with Jason and his annoying questions on why the both of us didn't arrive together in school. Good thing I made up a fast excuse to cover your mess up. Remember Glaiza, this proposal of ours doesn't just benefits me, I could help you get a job. That's what you want right?" Rhian whispered with her eyes still focused on the discussion.

I wouldn't be asking for a job from you, if you didn't ruin it for me.

Glaiza wanted to say, but bit her tongue. It would only make it worse. And because partly, it was Glaiza's fault. If she didn't binge watch 5 episodes of Riverdale on Netflix, Rhian wouldn't be mad. So she settled on an apologetic look.

"Yes, of course! I'm sorry, it won't happen again." Glaiza said then silence took over. Rhian didn't reply so she figured that the conversation was over. So she focus instead on the discussion in front of her.

It wasn't long until the bell rings, signalling for the second class. Glaiza gathered her things and bag and went to her next classroom where she instantly saw Benjamin. When his eyes met hers, he smiled.

Glaiza could feel a flutter in her stomach.

Without a word, she made her way to her seat beside him and lean her head against her shoulders.

"You alright?" Benjamin asked

"Mhm, just a little sleepy." Glaiza mumbled.

"Binge watching netflix again?"

Glaiza nodded, making the guy beside her chuckle. She was really feeling sleepy. In fact, she's been digging her fingernails onto her palm to keep her from closing her eyes and dissapointing Rhian.

Pretend You're Mineजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें