41 : Distracting Thoughts

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It seems as though the small crack on the white wall is getting bigger and pulling Glaiza's gaze deeper, as she kept staring blankly at it for the past 30 minutes. She rest her head on the bed's headboard and clutch the bedsheets tightly, which hugged her nude form beneath it. Beside her, Benjamin was still fast asleep, his torso bare while his lower body was messily wrapped by the comforter.

She couldn't believe that the two of them had intercourse last night. Couldn't believe that she let her emotions cloud her mind, which drove her to do the deed with his boyfriend. Last night's happenings was still fresh on her mind.


"Glaiza, babe, wait! Hold on, can you slow down? And talk to me?" Benjamin called after her.

"Can we head to your house? I can't..." Glaiza sighed sharply. "I don't want to stay the night here. I just want to clear my head."

Although Benjamin wanted to ask her why, he decided to let it pass, and just ask her when they get there. Before he could say something, Glaiza began briskly walking to the direction of their house. Benjamin just sighed before following in pursuit.

Instead of bothering her, Benjamin just subtly watch his girlfriend, who seems to be glaring at the ground, clenching her fists. He had an inkling that it was about the shared kiss between Jason and Rhian. Either the first one or the second one.

When they got to his house, Glaiza immediately began rummaging through the ref, until she got herself a cold beer before dropping herself on the couch, chugging the alcholic beverage. With the thought of Rhian and Jason sitting close by the terrace having their stupid drawing session, she take a shot. With every thought of Jason making Rhian throw her head back in laughter, she take a drink. With every thought of Rhian giving Jason side-hugs, she take another gulp. And with the thought of their shared passionate kisses, Glaiza chug her drink like there's no tomorrow.

By the time she finished her 4th drink, Benjamin tried to stop her from getting another from his ref, saying that she had enough.

Glaiza, of course, swatted his hand away. "No, I said I want to my clear head." Before she stood up and swayingly went to his fridge and was about to grab another drink, when Benjamin closed it, grabbing her hand and walking back to the couch.

"Come on, lets just watch a movie and-"

"I don't want to fucking watch a movie! I want a fucking drink!" Glaiza exclaimed.

"No babe, you have enough. You're gonna regret it when morning comes. You know how much it'll cause you to be super drained and have painful migraines if you-"

"I don't fucking care! I deserve to have countless drinks tonight!" Glaiza says, still struggling on Benjamin's arms. "I'm hurt, okay?! And I want to forget about it. I need to forget this pain I'm feeling! Rhian, she... she's the cause of it, okay?! She hurt me... So please... Please, let me have this drink."

By now, Glaiza was sobbing in Benjamin's arms. The guy lead them bacm to the couch where he caressed her hair and whispered soothing words to her. He brought her a glass of water to let her sober up a litle, which the girl hesitatingly drink it. Chugging the whole glassful of it, she rest her head on Ben's chest.

"I-I just... don't get it, you know? She said, she's not o-over me. That she s-still... have feelings for me. But then, why k-kiss him? Why give me t-this... this uncomfortable feeling?... Why make me make mad?... And more importantly, why the fuck do I care?!" Glaiza says, before letting out a sigh on Ben's shirt. "God, what is happening to me?"

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