Chapter 24

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Date: 25/3/2020

AN: As promised today's update. Enjoy!


As the Omega grumpily relayed what had happened between him and Dr. K, leaving out some of the details, of course. Kongpob and Arthit couldn't help but grin and laugh. The pregnant Omega was laughing saying 'I told you so' and that just irked Wayo even more. When the Omega said that the doctor had asked permission to 'court' him, Arthit finally lost it and started laughing, clutching his stomach and gasping. Who says 'court' nowadays, anyway?

Wayo started hitting Arthit, "Stop it! It's not funny!"

"But it is! How could you have been so clueless? I already told you the doctor was interested. Oh, God!"

"He always said mean things to me and fought with me. How was I supposed to know?"

"You know, Kong and I too started with the bickering. He got on my nerves every chance he got."

"That was just a way to get your attention Phii, you know that," Kongpob said.

"See, the doctor just wanted to make sure you won't forget him. I bet your red hair really got to him, didn't it?" Kongpob and Arthit shared a smile, amused as Wayo's face instantly heated up and turned pink at the words. Definitely, the red hair was mentioned sometime.

"Whatever.." The red-haired Omega grumbled.

Arthit got up and pulled Wayo's hand but Kongpob was there instantly. The pregnant Omega was in no condition to pull up a fully grown man, after all.

"Come, let's get some food into you so you can think clearly, okay?" Wayo reluctantly followed the couple.

As the three started on the simple breakfast, "So, what do you want to do?"

"I don't know. I don't even know how serious or sincere he is.."

Arthit huffed, "I think he is being serious. I have seen the interest in his eyes like I told you earlier."

Wayo just grumbled and ate a spoonful of re-heated eggs. "You don't have to decide right now. Besides, I don't think there's anything to decide in the first place. I mean, he only asked to court you right?"

Kongpob made an agreeing sound, "Yes, Phii. And since currently, you are single, I think you should give it a shot." Wayo looked at the Alpha and sighed.

Arthit spoke next, asking a question that he was dying to ask, "How was the kiss?"

Wayo immediately turned beet red, his face almost matching his hair, and swallowed. He could still remember every touch, taste and the Alpha's arousing smell. It was a mix of cinnamon and dark molasses, sweet and bitter and as the Omega remembered he just blushed that much harder.

Arthit snorted a chuckle, "That good, huh?"

Kongpob lightly hit Arthit's shoulder, "Phii, don't be nosey."

"What? You wanted to know too!" The Alpha shook his head in defeat. He really did want to know but didn't want to make their friend uncomfortable.

Wayo cleared his throat, "Well, I guess, there's no harm in thinking about it. I mean he is The Dr. Kongthanin, but ..well"

"You are right Phii. He is that, but that also makes him that much freer to love whoever he wants, right? And you are so perfect too."

Wayo smiled. This couple had accepted him as their friend and had shown genuine concern for him.

"I guess, there's nothing to decide right now. I mean, I think I will just let things take their course, see if he really pursues me, you know?"

Arthit and Kongpob nodded. "Yes. And you have nothing to worry about, we have your back Phii. If that mighty doctor even dares to think of hurting you, he will have to face Kongpob's wrath. Believe me, Dr.K wouldn't even know what hit him."

Arthit nodded, "Besides, you have that party to go tonight. Just relax and enjoy yourself. There's no need to be making any commitment right now, right?"

Wayo giggled. These two were really something. He pushed his plate of eggs away, "These eggs are horrible. How about I stick around and we make something delicious for lunch, huh?"

Kongpob and Arthit nodded, smiling. At least their friend was not sulking anymore.


AN: What did you think? Dont forget to vote and comment!

Toodloos my lovelies!

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