Chapter 3

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Date: 4/12/19

AN: Wow! Just two chapters and I already have nearly 800 reads! You guys rock!  I have to rush to work but I couldn't leave you guys without an update, especially since I didn't make it two updates this week. This is a small one. I hope you enjoy! 


Tew rushed to the hospital reception and held a panicking Kongpob by the waist. The Alpha was breathing hard and his eyes were all red and angry and worried ask for the information about his soulmate. Tew held his distressed friend behind him when he realized whatever Kongpob was saying was making no sense. The ever responsible and calm Omega politely Waiied the woman at the desk and told her Arthit's name and how he had been brought here. Apparently, P'Earth had informed Kongpob that P'Arthit had suddenly fainted at work and had been rushed here to KSH. Within minutes, Tew had the required information and the two friends took the elevator to Emergency ward where Arthit was being treated. On the floor, Kongpob and Tew were directed towards the Arthit's bed where they saw P'Earth talking on the phone.

Kongpob couldn't hold back, "P'Earth!" He half ran towards the lady who smiled slightly and waved at the two youngsters. When Kongpob reached the bed, he froze as he saw his Phii lying there, pale with an ivy stuck in one hand and heart rate monitor on a finger. He couldn't make out if Arthit was still unconscious or was just sleeping. The Alpha didn't know how long he stood there motionless but gasped and jerked back when he felt a soft grasp on his elbow.

"N'Kongpob, Arthit woke up and was lucid by the time we reached the hospital. The doctor has taken some blood samples for tests and they have given him some mild sedative since he looked exhausted and also dehydrated. So he's just sleeping right now."

Kongpob swallowed and nodded slightly, "Umm Thank you P'Earth. I don't know..I just.."

The older lady smiled reassuringly and held both of the Alpha's hands in hers. "Nong, you don't have to say anything. Arthit has become a very good friend of mine as you know. I just hope everything is okay."

Kongpob sighed and nodded, "Phii, I am here now. I will manage everything now. You don't have to stay..if..I mean if you have somewhere else to be.."

"N'Kongpob, it's okay. I can wait with you. I.."

This is when Tew jumped in, "Phii, it's okay. I will stay with Kong here. We'll manage everything Phii." Something about the calmness that Tew seem to radiate constantly assured Earth and she nodded.

"Okay. I don't know if you know but our department has an important product presentation this coming Monday. Arthit being not there, I don't think I can afford to miss days at work.."

Kongpob smiled. His Phii was so insistent on going to work because of the presentation. He nodded at P'Earth, "Yes P'Earth, my Phii wouldn't like it if the presentation was not absolutely perfect. I will take care of it here. Please Phii, you should go back to work."

The lady snorted a chuckle and shook her head, "Well, let me know what the doctors say and please keep me updated. And nong, if you need anything, anytime, don't hesitate to call me okay?" Kongpob nodded, grateful that his Phii had such reliable people at work. The woman who had once made Kongpob so jealous and angry was now huge support for them.

It had been about twelve minutes after Earth left that a doctor approached Kongpob and Tew, who were now sitting in chairs beside Arthit's bed. The two young men got up immediately when the doctor came to them.

"Arthit Rojnapat, is it?"

"Yes Khun. He's my mated. Please, what's wrong with my Phii, khun?"

The doctor checked her chart and nodded at Kongpob. "I'm Dr. Daow. Blood tests are being done now. It will take a couple of hours for the results to come in. Can you answer some of my questions as of now?" The doctor pointedly looked at Tew, who realized they needed some privacy. He immediately left his friend with the doctor under the disguise of needing some caffeine.

"So, you are mated. I am right in assuming you two are living together as well?"

Kongpob nodded. "Okay good. Can you tell me, has N'Arthit been sick or having some discomfort?"

"Doctor, my Phii has been sick this entire week but he has been extremely busy at work and has evaded all my efforts to take him for a check-up. Today I had finally made him promise that he will come with me..but before I could..I got a call from his colleague..well. "

"Hmm. Okay. So, can you tell me the symptoms?"

Kongpob sighed, "He has been throwing up every day for past..say 5-6 days, He looked exhausted and pale and he seems to have lost his appetite in the past couple of days. About ten days back my Phii insisted on having dried-fish soup at this din..I mean a small street-side food stall. I think that may have.."

The doctor nodded, "Any fever or aches or pains. Something he's complained about?"

Kongpob thought about it, "No..not that I noticed. But my Phii is a..workaholic almost. I wouldn't be surprised if he was in pain and didn't tell me.."

Dr. Daow frowned. If the patient was having some pain that he was hiding it could be difficult to determine the cause. She jotted down something on her pad as she had been doing throughout the conversation, "One of the tests we are doing is for STDs. Do you think there's a chance.."

Kongpob shook his head. "We have been together and exclusive for nearly five years now."

"Okay. What precautions are you taking? I mean for family planning and everything.."

"Our doctor prescribed birth-control for P'Arthit. He's been on it for nearly five months now. But we ..."

"Five months? Didn't you say five years? I'm sorry, maybe I.."

Kongpob nodded and looked at the floor, all his guilt feelings coming back as he remembered how his Phii had suffered..

Dr. Daow was now in her early-40s and it was safe to say that she had seen life as it came in all shades and colors.

She just nodded and continued, "Pregnancy is one of the things he is getting tested for. Knowing he's on birth control..let's wait for the results okay? Can you tell me what pills have been prescribed to him?"

Kongpob pulled out his phone where he had stored the name of his Phii's pills and showed it to the lady. The doctor noted down the details as she turned to leave. Kongpob thanked her and sat down beside his Phii once again.

The Alpha took hold of Arthit's hand and gently rubbed it with his thumb. He sighed and made a small prayer to whoever was listening. He needed his Phii back and healthy again. 


AN: OOOOOHHHH Im gonna be late if I dont get up now! Wish me luck!

Toodloos my lovelies!

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