Chapter 14

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Date: 22/2/2020

AN: I apologize for the delay my lovelies. Life, you know? Anyway, hope this chapter will put a smile on your faces.


"Hello! You must be Mr. Suthiluck and Rojnapat, right? This way please. Our doctor will see you now," an attendant wearing a pleasant lemon yellow straight-cut skirt said as she led the couple towards a cabin. A moment later, the two were seated in front of a neatly groomed middle-aged man.

The man smiled when the couple Waiied, "I am Dr. Pasinkar. It is always a pleasure to meet a couple who is expecting. Family is, after all, the most precious thing in the world, isn't it?"

Kongpob and Arthit had spent the entire Saturday morning inquiring and checking around the 'hire a mid-wife' agencies. This was the third one they were visiting and it was the one that had been advertised at the KSH hospital. They had also visited the one P'Earth had informed them about but both of them were not very impressed.

After what happened the week before when Arthit had been sick, Kongpob had conceded that he needed help from someone. The two had discussed their options. While Arthit refused to let Kongpob request a part-time option with his boss, he too was not very keen on staying home. Besides, as Kongpob pointed out, it wouldn't help them if a situation arises and Arthit was alone at home anyway. After much talk and encouragement from Arthiit, the Alpha had finally agreed to at least take a look at their options. So far though Kongpob had not found much that had attracted him or satisfied him.

When the couple had entered the offices of this agency though, they had already noticed something different. The agency, for one, had been in place for over five years. The staff was organized and systematic in the information they had collected from the couple. They were also quick and precise in their workings. The two had also been offered some refreshments and Arthit was given the heavily cushioned lounge chair so he could be comfortable. Arthit had shared a glance with Kongpob to see if he was just as impressed and he was happy that they both felt the same.

Sitting in front of this guy now, the two were a little nervous. However, the man's tone was comforting and pleasant. Arthit's hopes that this could be their thing was rising every minute. The two nodded at the

The doctor continued, "I have seen your file. As of now, there doesn't seem to be anything critical to worry about. I also feel that the next ultrasound will make everything clear. Since the first trimester is the most crucial in every pregnancy, I think it would be a good idea to hire a mid-wife at this point."

Kongpob and Arthit nodded. The fact that this man was indeed a doctor and had taken the time to at least skim through their file had surprisingly put Kongpob at ease.

The Alpha said, "Kharp. But Khun, I don't even know what this means. Can you tell me what I should expect from this person, who basically will be taking care of my Phii and babies in my absence?"

The doctor smiled, "Let me explain. You see it okay to call you nong?..yeah? Okay. Good. So, as I was saying, our grandfathers and great-grandfathers used to have huge families. The uncles, aunts, children, the grand-parents...all used to live under one roof, and if not at least within a short distance. They helped each other, they could take care of each other, you know?"

"Kharp Phii."

"Also, with a shortage of doctors and medical healers and lack of funds, midwives were preferred when women or Omegas were pregnant. These were knowledgeable people who were experienced in all the nuances of a pregnancy. They helped out to take care of the one expecting and when it was time, they would also deliver the baby. They would go on to instruct the family of how to take care or the new mother and the infant. That is how the process went."

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