Mr.Lee clenched his jaw, "answer the question on the board, (Y/N)."

"Uh-huh," I peered at the board, "Dinitrogen pentoxide decomposes in a first-order reaction with a half-life of 7 minutes at 230°C. If N2O5 is added to an evacuated flask to a pressure of 800 torr at 230°C, what is the total pressure in the flask after 14 minutes?"

"Mr.Lee! You should have given me a harder question. Do you want the answer in torrs or atmospheres?"


"Easier for me, it's 2,300 torrs."

The bell rang, "well, sayonara Mr.Lee," I grabbed my bag and started out the door.

"Not so fast, (Y/N)."

I sighed, "what?"

He motioned for me to sit down in front of his desk, I complied. 

"(Y/N). You're such a bright young lady, and if you just put a little effort into anything, you could be exceptional. You never do more than you have too. Just try, that's all I'm asking."


"Thanks, Mr.Lee- but is there a point to this."

He sighed, "Yes. There's a bending tournament next week, and I want you to captain the class."

Wait... what?

"Me? Why not Zuko?"

"The Prince is great, but you have more of a grip on your temper. The tournament is huge, the Fire Lord is going to be there..."

My face fell, double ew.

Mr.Lee noted the expression on my face, "you know, most people would be thrilled to prove themselves to Fire Lord Ozai. Or even to meet the Fire Lord."

I laughed, "wait... has no one told you?"

He looked confused, "tell me what?"

"Ok, so you know my dad died, right?"

"His funeral was probably the most televised event since Fire Lord Azulon- I'm sorry. That was insensitive. Continue."

I laughed again, "don't worry about it. As I was saying, you know I live with Ozai right."

Mr.Lee looked taken aback, "you... live with the Fire Lord?? Next you'll tell me you're learning fire bending from General Iroh himself."

I gave him a look.

His eyes widened, then he quickly composed himself, "you know. It's fine. Just, you're captaining next week's tournament that's all."

"Ok... but why'd you have to tell me during chemistry? Isn't this like something you should have told me during like bending classes?"

"Well, no, because I'm announcing it to the class then. It would have been kind of weird if you didn't have a heads up. And we're practicing today for the tournament. So, I kinda needed you to know your role."

"Uh.... ok. I'm late to class though, so wanna give me a late pass."

Mr.Lee sighed, "yes, of course," he took out a post-it and started writing the late pass. He handed it to me, and I started to walk away. 

"Wait! (Y/N)?"

I groaned and turned around, "yes?"

"Do you think you could get me Iroh's autogra-"

"BYE." I walked out the door, laughing. 


The next few periods were uneventful. So, time for bending. I walked into the bending gym, about ten minutes late. Now, could I have gone to class on time? Yes. I could also not. So I didn't. 

Blazing: An Avatar AUحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن