Sakura hesitantly placed a hand onto Sasuke's firm chest. She tried not to think about how hard it was. 

Rinji continued, "Both of you, look at the camera. Sakura, lean back your head a little so we can see both earrings. That's it! Gozu, go!"

Even if Rinji didn't ask for it, Sakura soon felt a warm, familiar hand loop around her waist and pull her closer. Sasuke smirked when Sakura loked quizzically at him, "We can't let Rinji boss us around."

"You're right," she smiled, yanking on his tie gently as she stood on tip-toe and wrapped her arms around his neck as she stared breathlessly into his eyes. Her voice switched to a more seductive, sexier one, "We shouldn't."

"Oh, wow!" Rinji clapped enthusiastically. "This is the content I signed up for! Gozu, you know the drill."

Sasuke bit his lip sexily, his eyes scampering over Sakura's body and his eyes glowing up with the Sharingan, "I like this side of you."

"Yes, you guys really are professionals," Rinji said as the cameras started shooting away again.

Another hour passed with several more photos being taken of several more poses. Poses in which Sakura was pushed up against the balcony was Sasuke, Sasuke sitting on a chair with Sakura sitting on top of him with his hands around her hips and more.

As the time passed Sakura found herself being less nervous, and by the time the shoot had finished, she had loosened up completely and found herself having fun. She had forgotten about all her problems as Paris and Sasuke both took her away.

But that couldn't last forever.

"That's a wrap!" Guren smiled, and the whole group burst into applause. "Let's pack up now."

Sakura finished placing her jewellery in velvet boxes when she felt a hand grip her shoulder. She looked back to see Chloe's sharp eyes. "Could you help me carry this to the truck?"

"Of course," Sakura took the hangers Chloe was offering. The truck was set up for the sole purpose of transporting Guren's clothes. It was far away from the main area, but Sakura figured that Chloe wouldn't do anything dangerous to her. 

"Thanks," Chloe smiled as they started walking, but the smile didn't reach her eyes. Not a second passed before she spoke suddenly. "So, how did you do it?"

Sakura frowned. "Do what?"

Chloe laughed, a little too fake for Sakura's liking. "How did you get Sasuke to fall for you?" 

"I didn't 'get' Sasuke to fall for me," Sakura sniped, feeling her anger steadily rise. "He did it on his own."

"I'm not dumb, Sakura," Chloe flicked her hair. "Despite his looks, he has never been in a public relationship for years. Now all of a sudden, you two go to one wedding and he's all over you? Sakura, don't bother lying. Everyone knows how desperate you felt after you and Kiba broke up."

"I'm not desperate," Sakura halted her walking, dropping the hangers down and crossing her arms. 

Chloe stopped too, a smirk on her face. "I'm sure Naruto wouldn't believe that. Tell me, how did you brainwash him into forgetting that you tried to seduce him that one time on the beach?"

"You actually believe those rumors?" Sakura scoffed. "I guess you're dumber than you look."

"At least how I look isn't made up by plastic," sneered Chloe. "I wonder if you could pull off this shoot with your real flat tits. There's absolutely nothing pretty about you, it's a wonder that Sasuke fell for you when there are people like me around."

"Well, I think people like you belong in a trash can," shouted Sakura. 

"People like you look like their neck vomited up plastic," yelled Chloe.

Sakura nearly laughed. "Is that the only insult you got? The fact that I got plastic surgery?"

She bent down and picked up the hangers and started walking off. "You know what, I don't have time to participate in this petty fight-"


"You don't have to participate in life anymore, then."

No way.

Sakura didn't dare turn around. "Is that a gun, you crazy bitch?"

"Yup," Chloe's eyes glinted maniacally. "I may be crazy, but at least I won't be dead like you're going to- Ow!"

Chloe's limp body thudded to the floor, the gun rolling out of her hands as her eyes closed. 

Sakura looked back in horror to see a pair of glowing eyes, black patterns decorating the bright red.

The Mangekyou Sharingan.


chloe disgusts me, breathe if you agree

word count: 1899

not just a pretty face [sasusaku modern au]Where stories live. Discover now