Chapter 4- 'Best way to hide something is by writing a play'

Start from the beginning

Amira punched me in the arm and said "that's for making me feel like I was a blondy in a horror movie" then she punched me again "what's that for?" I ask confused. "I just felt like it, now how the hell did we get here" she asked me curiously as we were walking back to college we found the two idiots. Madison was smiling and said "I can't wait for the play", Amira and I instantly realized that Jack lied to Madison and told her we're rehearsing for a play. "apparently now you're the only one who knows" I whispered to Amira, she smiled and said "Maddy, can you come with me" they both went to the ladies room, which always made me think, why do girls go to the bathrooms in groups, is there, do they have to help each other climb over an obstacle in there, what happens if a girl really needs to go but she's the only girl there, does she hold it in and grabs the nearest female when she finds and drags to the ladies room.

"Did you invite her to your imaginary play?" I ask sarcastically.

"Yup, I'm guessing we'll have to write a script for the play just so I don't blow my cover" he replies.

"That's actually smart; you can show her the script and pretend the play was cancelled after few months"

"I'm glad I thought of that"

"I'm glad you're capable of thinking" I reply sarcastically, I mean I know this guy is few years older than me but he's like an older brother to me, I don't have to be formal with him, it's fun when we actually make fun of each other, mostly because if someone else did, we would go all gangsta on their asses, so it's best that we get to do that for each other.

"So what did you tell Amira?" he said worryingly.

"I told her it was a prop like the bomb I put in her locker the other day, because I wanted to mess with her again"  I reply with a guilty conscience, because this is the second time I've ever had to lie to this guy in all the years I've known him.

"And did she buy it??!!" he says still freaking out

"Don't worry about this, she knows messing with her is my new hobby".

"God, girls can be so fucking nosy, if this information get to the wrong hands we're both fucked Daniel" he say still freaking out because that was a close one, I can't believe I told Amira the truth, what the hell was I thinking, I should've seriously told her it was a dam prop as I lied to Jack.

As jack started to believe my lie we kinda took few more minutes talking about the play, we seriously started discussing it, I mean we wrote a name for the play and everything, then I realized I have class to attend "anyway I gotta go to class now" I said as I walked to class late as usual.


"Mr. Johnson, do you mind telling the class why you're late?" professor asked as I entered the class. "I was writing a play, apparently my friend and I are supposed to perform" I reply innocently as Amira laughs quietly knowing that now we're stuck writing a whole play to support Jack's cover-up story. Something hit my head (You can barely write your name, and now you wanna write a whole play)  was written on a crumbled paper thrown at me by Amira. I borrowed a paper from the guy sitting next to me and a pen from the guy sitting on my other side and wrote (did you have to change your diapers) referring to the fact that she almost if she didn't actually wet herself from fear, then crumbled the paper and threw it at her.

She giggled and texted me saying:

A: Technology is way easier.
D: caveman texting method is free.
A: Did Tom freak out when you told him I know about his dirty little secret?
D: Dafuq?!!, you think I'm crazy, if he askes I told you the gun was a prop      because I was planning on messing with you again :D

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