"Sorry, but I'm not answering personal questions." You told her, standing up. Pearl started to lower your knife as she analyzed you, realizing you meant no harm.

"Why are you being so chill after threatening to murder my friend?" She asked you. You looked at her, trying to read her. It did not work.

"I'm not a psychopath, if that's what you're asking." You told her. This put Pearl on edge as she lifted the knife again.

"That's what all Psycho's say!" She demanded. You sighed, walking over to her. To Pearl's utter shock, you lifted your hand, before shoving it against the blade of the knife, impaling your hand. You then quickly turned your hand, forcing the blade from Pearl's small hands.

With the blade again in your possession, you pocketed the knife, as your hand started to heal.

"H-how can you just do that to yourself!?" Marina shouted, looking at your hand. The ink that spilled out was the same dark blue as your hair, with the same golden shine.

"If you're going to call me something, I'd prefer the term 'sociopath.'" You told the two, walking out of the guest room.

"By the way, is there any way I can get to Inkopolis Square from here?" You asked the two. Pearl got over her surprise to answer.

"It's about an hour walk from here, but it's a rather short drive, you know?" She told you. You nodded, tapping your foot. You were growing increasingly stressed by this. Marie said you could have today off if you wanted, but spending it in some random persons home seemed kind of... strange.

"Are... are you okay?" Marina asked you. You took a deep breath, letting it out slowly, before nodding.

"Yeah, I am. Sorry about the inconvenience I caused. I'll be on my way." You told her. Before you could get out of the house, Marina spoke up.

"No, no, you're fine. I'm sure Pearlie will be okay with you staying a little longer... right?" She looked behind her, at Pearl. She gave Marina a bewildered shrug, gesturing at you in an 'are you insane?' manner. You shook your head, turning around again.

"Once again, I'm not going to make myself an obstacle. If Pearl wants me gone, I'm gone." You spoke up. Marina groaned, gesturing towards you at Pearl. The two had a silent argument, which Pearl seemed to lose. She sighed, looking at you.

"Leave that knife in the kitchen and you can stay for a bit." Pearl offered. Marina looked at you as you thought over it.

"I see. Do you two need to leave at all today, or do you have a day off?" You asked. Marina looked at Pearl, who shook her head.

"We're good today, you don't have to worry." Marina told you.

"Also, why is your voice so raspy?" Pearl cut in. Marina grabbed the small inkling by the shoulders.

"Pearl! He said no personal-"

"I didn't speak a lot until yesterday." You cut in, surprising Marina once again.

"A lot? It sounds like you didn't speak at all!" Pearl told you. You shook your head, clearing your throat again.

"I spoke, but only like a few sentences a day. Now that I'm here, I need to get used to speaking more." You told Pearl. Before you would have to answer any more questions, you turned, walking down the stairs.

Y/n L/n's Containment log: Entry 99

"Ashley, it's been 16 days." You spoke up to the researcher as she entered the room. Ashley seemed to be in a grim mood, not speaking at all.

A World Once Familiar (Splatoon/Subnautica x Male Reader)Where stories live. Discover now