The girl with horns (Past part 3)

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It has been 8 years since you have been adopted and in that time you have (With the help from aunt Belfast) treated your Borderline Personality Disorder. It started rough with you having outbursts and refusing to participate but over the years you began to improve. You began to feel better about yourself, feel less empty inside, create a stable relationship with people and keeping them, learned help others more (even though you do not always empathise with them) and learned how to control your emotions better.

Also, you recently  have moved to Japan, Kuoh. Something to do with America and Japan wanting to build more trust and exchanging commanders. Your mom has been one of the people who volunteered to go. Aunt Belfast also moved here a few months later because she became lonely and we are the the closest thing she has to a family since her's died.

Currently you were just walking through Kouh while listening to music, exploring what it had to offer. The park, a shopping mall, alleys with little shops, other points of interest and lastly the forest. As you walk through the forest, fog begins to roll in. As you walk further you come upon a lake. 

Y/n P.O.V:

As I walk next to the lake, I see a bunch of clothing on a neerby tree. I take out one earbud and look at the clothing.

Y/n: 'Is somebody swimming in the lake? While it's like, what? 4 degrees celcius? (40 degrees Fahrenheid or 277.15 Kelvin)'

As I look over the lake, I can't see anything because of the fog covering the lake.

Y/n: "Oh well, not my problem" I say as I begin to walk further.

As I'm about to put my earbud back in I suddenly hear a splash from the lake. As I turn to face the sound I'm met with the sight of a naked girl that's looking at me curiously while standing a little to close for comfort.

 As I turn to face the sound I'm met with the sight of a naked girl that's looking at me curiously while standing a little to close for comfort

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(Like this but your 5 cm taller than 02(She's 1,70cm))

I quickly take a step back and look away.

Y/n: "Wow! A little to close lady. Your naked. Why are you naked? You know what? Doesn't matter. I don't wanna know, I'll just go" I say as I turn and begin to leave.

As I walk away I suddenly something lick the back of my neck. Surprised, I jump forward before turning around and seeing the girl still looking at me but from the spot I just was.

Y/n: "What the hell! Did you just lick me?!" I ask in disbelieve.

As I look at her I suddenly notice she has horns on her head.

Y/n: "Wait, are those horns?"

She doesn't say a word. Instead she comes closer to me. I begin to back away, but to no avail as she keeps getting closer. As I hit a tree she keeps getting closer before grabbing my upper arms and pinning me down against the tree.

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