Ice queen

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Third P.O.V:

Snow flew across the arctic surface as Laura walked over it, leaving foot prints of her heels in the fresh snow while her pink hair and coat wildly swaying with the wind as she did.

'Where the hell are you?' She thought irritated as she looked around, her eyes narrowed.

As a Nephilim, Laura had perfect eye sight, no matter how little or much light, she could see everything in her vision. Yet as she looked over the Arctic surface, she saw nothing but said surface.

"I'm going to kill that Fallen vampire looking creep" She softly said as she took out the parchment.

As she looked it over once more, there was no denying that this was the exact location. A sigh escaped her lips.

"It can't be helped then" She said as she looked around one more time to see if her cyan colored, Nephilim eyes saw something out of the ordinary or any animals, but they did not.

She raised her right foot and looked down however, she noticed a Arctic fox beneath her. As the Arctic fox noticed her, Laura put her foot down before quickly picking the fox up with a smile and started petting it. The Arctic fox didn't know exactly why, but it felt comfortable within Laura's grasp, causing it to nestle against her. However, a few seconds later, the fox's feelings of safety and security were replaced with fear and dread as Laura had raised her foot before slamming it down before slamming it down on the ice directly below her with incredible force, causing the ice to cave in beneath her. The Arctic fox could only let out a high pitched bark as Laura began to decent with it in her arms.

This was not one of Laura's preferred methods, as it was quite destructive to the environment, but she could not deny it's effectiveness as it revealed the cave that was directly below her which she was currently falling, or rather gliding, into. As she landed on the pile of rocks beneath her, she looked at the Arctic fox within her grasp, only to notice it shaking from fear, it not making a sound as if trying to hide from a predator. Trying to calm it down, Laura began softly talking and petting it as she began to look around in the darkness. Within a few seconds, she had found what she had been looking for. There, within one of the ice walls, was a metal coffin, wrapped in chains and covered in magical seals. As Laura stopped petting the fox to destroy the ice wall, the Arctic fox immediately buried it's head in Laura's elbow out of fear. The ice cavern shook as Laura punched the ice wall, exposing the lid of the coffin. Within a few seconds of looking, Laura found the keyhole and grabbed the key she needed. Before she could put it in however, she could hear the sound of people walking over the snow above her. Within seconds she eliminated multiple possibilities.

'The nearest research station is over 40 km away, so their not Humans' She thought. 'Angels and Fallen are also out of the question seeing as Fallen don't walk and Angels would have just appeared. So that only leaves'

There were multiple things modern Devils were known for. Their Victorian like culture and style, on average being good looking, being greedy and surprisingly not making much use of their wings when they should.

As Laura looked up at the entrance, a plan formulated in her head.

♦ ♦ ♦

These ten Devils were not average Devils. They were Warriors. Trained in the art of combat and prepared for any situation. Or so they had thought. Because they were not prepared for the strange sight in front of them. The target's name was Zero Two or "The Right hand of the Slayer", or atleast, that were the names it was known by in the supernatural world. Not much was known about it since it had left the research facility, seeing as almost everyone who had seen it or any of the other generals were either dead or sworn to secrecy by all the factions. There were however many speculations about the right hand of the Slayer by civilians. Such as that it was a horrendous eldritch abomination, a ugly Nephilim or just another whore. However, no matter what one's speculations were, it was undeniable that Zero Two had killed millions of supernatural and a being that power wise stood on par with a God.

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