Chapter 19 : Realization

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They all had gathered around a small table after Lucy and Michelle came back from their small break outside in the ruins.

"I see we were wrong." Lucy stated. Everyone gathered around the small table with the book The key to the starry heavens.

"What did you say?" Isa asked Lucy.

"I understand! Now I really understand!" She said.Everyone looked at her as if she was crazy.

"It meant we mustn't collect them!" She answered.

"What?" Erza was confused.

"What do you mean?" Gray questioned.

"I'm telling you!" She sighed "We weren't suppose to collect them! That was the message in this book.The pieces of the clock... we weren't suppose to get them!"

"Then don't tell me.." michelle started.

"We did the opposite." Wendy finished.

"I should've stuck with that vision..." Isa muttered. Lucy looked up at her in agreement.

"That was your nightmare! Wasn't it? You saw the danger!"

Isabelle nodded her head " is that what Angel was talking about?" Happy asked. "They were waiting for us to gather them?" The blue cat frowned.

"Seems so." Carla crossed her arms recalling the incident before.

"Isabelle's vision and the image I saw was a warning." She explained.

"I tried to figure it out and got cocky..." Lucy mumbled " I'm sorry." She covered her face hiding her sad tears.

"Everyone..father.. I'm sorry!" She sniffled. Isabelle sighed and looked to the ground in despair. It wasn't Lucy's fault, Serafina would've been disappointed in Isa for not following her vision.

"It sounds like the outcome was truly bitter." Ichiya stepped in. They all turned back to see the short little man with his hands on his sides.

"Too bitter! I just know that something bad is
Going to happen!" Lucy looked down in shame.

"Well your dad wasn't specific." Isa reasoned.
"He didn't exactly state what no to do." She smiled warmly.

Lucy looked up at Isa in surprise.
"Yeah he was roundabout with that anagram or whatever." Happy shrugged.

"Atleast it was too difficult for someone I know." Carla jumped in.

"All he had to do was tell us not to collect them!" Gray agreed. Lucy smiled warmly at her guild mates.

"There are some people who get a fever from thinking about something too much." Erza chuckled.

"Maybe my magic power up with that fever!" Natsu joked.

"Let's tell each other riddles!" Happy said.

"Alright! Now I'm fired up!" Natsu laughed.

Lucy turned red and let out a giggle. "Huh? Is Lucy-San giggling." Isa poked jokingly. The blonde began to laugh and squirm.

"Well after all you're all really weird!" Lucy laughed.

"There's not point in sitting around here being depressed!" Natsu crossed his arms over his head.

"Are you trying to cheer me up?" She asked.

"At this rate it will rain tomorrow." Gray joked.

"What that suppose to mean!! You lookin for a fight?!" Natsu bumped heads with Gray. All of a sudden, the two hit heads really hard after Isa smashed them together on purpose.

"Idiots." She muttered and watched Master Bob scare them away with his charm. Natsu had yanked on Isa's top flashing her on accident. Isabelle saw red and jumped over Master Bob to pummel The Salamander to the ground. "I'm gonna kill you!"

"Ahh this is the Fairy Tail I know and love." Lucy sweatdropped.

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