Chapter 2 : Down but not Dead

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Isa groaned in pain as her eyes began to blink her back into reality. A rock held her left leg down and her clothes were tattered and torn. Her leather jacket was the only think that covered her side, so in a way she was vulnerable.

Her throat was scratchy as she coughed. Dust and dirt filled her lungs.

How was she going to get this giant piece of stone off of her?!
"Anybody!" She screamed. Her arms propped her body up like a plank. "Anybody there?!"

Her voiced echoed the quiet hallways. Nothing,no answer, Isa was undeniably vexed. Her shorts were going to rip and reveal her spandex beneath.
She was in quite a predicament.

"Isa!" She heard Kai's voice. "Isa where are you?!" a woman called out. She didn't recognize the voice.

"I'm here! I'm under this stupid rock!" She screamed back. All they needed was the answer, she heard running footsteps coming toward her. Three to be exact.

Kai yelled once more and rounded the corner. Isa was on her elbows waiting to be saved. "Your okay!" She yipped and started to lick her face.

"Yes! I'm fine ye- I'm alive." She laughed and pushed Kai's face away. Erza sighed praising the angels. Jellal leaned toward the wall with one arm panting trying to catch his breathe.

"Now..." she started. "Can you get this thing off of me! When I get out of here I'm gonna get that old  hag!"

Steam came out of her ears. Erza and Jellal sweat dropped.
"Yup same old Isabelle...." the red-head mumbled.

"Didn't think she still had her temper." Jellal said.

"I CAN HEAR YOU!" She butted in.

Her face was red from her inner rage. Erza walked towards the rock and began to push it off.

The circulation in her leg was returned and she could move it again . Kai watched as Isa stood with the help of the wall, her leg was cut open to her upper thigh Down to her knee cap.

"Your injured." Erza stated. Isa glanced up at her and turn towards Jellal. Her blood dripped onto the dirt floor staining it a darker color.

"Give me your coat." She said with no emotion.
Jellal blushed furiously at her request and held his clothing tighter.

"I will not!" He refused. Isa stood there with a blank face. Kai sat next to Erza embarrassed.

"I wasn't asking." She claimed crossing her arms. Jellal grew pale and a shiver ran down his spine.


One of his sleeve were ripped off and used to tie it around her thigh to stop half the bleeding. Her shorts were torn off leaving her in the rather tight sports shorts.

Isa felt her dignity wash down the drain at the sight of her revealing clothing. Jellal on the other hand couldn't face Isa feeling embarrassed. He couldn't face her aura, she was too scary too deal with.

"Your hurt. You can't battle like this. You need to sit this out." Erza explained. The blonde girl scoffed. Kai nodded her head in agreement at the sight of her partner.

An explosion from the throne room turns their attention towards the noise.

One of the Oracion seis appears behind Isa and throws her off into an abandoned building. Her body going through the wall and landing with a thud. "Father can be rather cruel." He smirked


"Now show me your true strength." He stood proudly. "Although your attacks still won't be able to hit me."

Jellal banged his fist into the ground. He was weak and Midnight took home down so easy.
'That's right! His reflector magic can bend away any attack. Is there any way to defeat him?!'

Isa crawled towards the hole and popped her head up to see Erza twist her blade to her side then she charged full speed at one of the member of Oracion seis.

Her attack didn't seem to faze him one bit leaving Isa and Jellal shocked. "So fast!"

"My reflector will not be broken! No matter how quickly you move!." His hair blew in the wind.
Erza swung her blade again only to fail once more. "See?"

Erza silenced him by pushing him back full force and sending him back. The wind knocked out of him as he was sent flying into a wall.

He looked up in disbelief "w-what?" He looked at her in surprise.

"There are two.." she started. "Two weaknesses to your magic." She stated.
Isa pulled herself up with the help of Kai.

"Weakness one: You may be able to bend magic and object but you are unable to bend human bodies!" She explained. Her body stood  tall and menacing.

"If that were the case, then it would have been faster to warp my body than my armor. Am I right?" She finished. Her eyes watched his next moves as he stumbled up from the ground.

"So what if it?" He spoke. With a flick of his wrist, a red slash appeared and Erza's battle armor started to strangle her.

Isa growled.

"Even if that's the case, if I'm being serious, I can finish you off with your clothes." He said. Erza blade dropped to the floor with a clang. Each minute the clothes wrapped around tighter.

"The second weakness: this!" She summoned her swords above him and watched as they struck down on him. He hit the ground in pain.

"Erza what are yo-" Isa called out but only to be stopped.

"While you were bending my armor, you dodged my sword normally! Why didn't you bend the path of the sword instead? The answer: Because you can only bend things in one limited area at a time." She answered with a blank face.

"The area around yourself, or the area around your enemy.You must choose one or the other." Isa said. Midnight eyes met the Isa's blue eyes.

" While you are casting your magic on me, you cannot activate Reflector around yourself." Erza said.

Isa was now standing up and still inside the stupid building. She needed to get out of this enclosed space.

A bell echoed throughout the area meaning midnight struck. Her ears perked up to the on going battle.

"When it becomes midnight, my warping is taken to the extreme!" This was only getting worse for the three is them. The hole was too high for Isa to reach and if she even tried then she could possibly tear open Jellal sleeve bandage.

"Twilight Phoenix scream!" Isa casted. She opened her mouth and a banshee scream broke through the building.

The wall collapsed in front of her giving her the opening to escape. As the stuff cleared, Erza and Jellal were suffering from Midnights allusion.

"I've had enough of this." She huffed and walked over to him. She kicked her leg up high and swung across his head.

He was knocked to the ground fast staring at the sky. "But how..?"

"My senses are enhanced then an average person. I was taught my third all seeing eye and mind blockage." Her boot rubbed against his cheek.

"Unless you want to find out what else I can do. I suggest you stop now and give up." She threatened and nudged his face with her boot.

"I've think you made your point." Kai said.

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