Chapter 15 : Took a turn for the Worst

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It was silence until the clock piece that Byro held started to flow underneath the bandages.
"The clock piece..." Isabelle started. "It's resonating."

Everyone was frozen, no one knew what to do. Isabelle's posture stood straighter as her Phoenix senses were on full alert.

Byro grabbed his Octopus in his hand "Rest now Kanola. You've done a good job." He spoke to it. Isabelle looked at him with a weird face. A minute ago she threatened to turn his pet into sushi.

"That octopus shrunk!" Lucy exclaimed.

"It's bite sized and yummy looking!" Michelle smiled with her hands on her cheeks.

Byro gave the two a glare "what are you, some kind of monster?!"


"Fire Dragon : Roar!" Natsu sent a fire blast towards Byro only to have it disintegrate into nothingness. Isabelle held a look of interest at the technique.

"He neutralized it?!" Lucy yelled.

"I guess magic won't work on him."

Natsu didn't seem to care because he kept on throwing attack after attack. Isabelle trying to be the nice one tried to stop him but was pushed back by his burning arm. As smoke filled her nose, she looked down and saw her shirt on fire.

She quickly began to pat the fire away with the help of Kai not wanting to go through another shirt. Isabelle froze when she saw Byro kick Natsu into the rocky wall.

"He doesn't stand a chance." Isabelle stated and started to run towards the fight.

"Open, Gate of the Sea Goat!" Lucy pointed her key but nothing came out.

"No way!"

"The neutralization of any type of spell. That is what my magic can do." The white haired man explained. Isabelle smirked and took her dagger out.

"Oh well then!" She smiled and ran towards the man. He turned to the side and tried to block her attack but failed when she managed to hit his side. He staggered back a bit but looked at her with a blank emotion.

"Impressive." He stated before punching her in the stomach. She was sent back tumbling into the floor next to Kai. "Isabelle!" They yelled.

"I-I'm fine." She coughed out and wiped her mouth. Blood. She was weaker than him at the moment but that doesn't mean she won't stop trying.

"Your really getting on my nerves now!" Natsu yelled. The sight of Isabelle getting hit made him even more angry.

Byro was unfazed once again and kicked him.
Natsu kept on getting his butt kicked over and over again. It was quite upsetting to watch, when Isabelle tried to step in, Kai shook her head and told her to rest.

"I gotta get out there!" Isabelle limped forward.

"We are all helpless without magic. There's gotta be something we can do." Lucy said.

"I got an idea!" Natsu yelled. "Hold on Gildarts used magic when he fought this guy to a draw, remember?! Then I'll beat him without magic! That means I'm better than Gildarts!"

Isabelle facepalmed so hard that the slap echoed across the area. Kai chuckled at her behavior,

"I will too join the fight!" Isabelle interrupted and stood tall. Byro looked back at the brave Slayer and nodded in agreement.

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