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"luna for god sakes just put the dress on!"


"please, come on you want to go to dinner dont you?"

"lunes," finn taps to her temporary walls, looking in to see luna getting up from her bed and violet kneeling on the soft rug to the floor, a white flowered dress in her hands.
"do what mom asks you please, love."

"okay" she grumbles, sliding off her pink satin sheets to meet violet on the floor.

she sighs, helping luna take her shirt off and tossed to her dirty laundry hamper. she wouldnt ever understand how any type of reasoning seemed to come off better to her daughter from finn.

he walks over to sit on the edge of lunas bed, refolding some clothes she had thrown into a box earlier that day.


"yes?" violet pulls the dress over lunas shoulders, helping her out of her pants and into her tights.

"when am i going to daycare again?"

"oh, luna probably not until youre feeling better sweetie."

"i feel better!"

violet smiles sorrowful at her daughter, detangling her hair with her fingers as luna pulls her tights up her legs.
"wouldnt you rather hang out with dad and i for a bit?"

"i want to plays with the kids there." she pouts, arms crossed over her body.
"they can play with their brothers and sisters and i have nobody."

"we'll play with you lunes-"

"you guys dont do it right!" she cuts finn off, refusing to turn around to look at him on her bed.
"and youre not going to have another baby because you arent in love."

"whose talking to you about babies?"

"miss nancy says that babies come out of your butt." her hands pull at her dress, staring to her mom.

violets blank eyes find finns, staring at him in disbelief as he cracks a smile to his face, not helping but to laugh at the situation.

"are babies going to come out of my butt?"

"jesus, luna." violet mumbles, standing herself up from the floor; finns watches the situation tentatively, glad he didnt have to be the one to answer lunas barbaric questions in that moment.
"sounds to me like miss nancy is teaching more than her job description."

"what does that mean?" luna peers up to her mom.

"it means that a baby isnt coming out of your butt, luna." violet sits next to finn on the bed, pulling their daughter to stand between her legs in order to properly straighten out her hair.

"not until im older?"

"yes, not until your-"

"no, not ever. got that?" finn interrupts, fingers reaching over to squeeze lunas cheeks as she laughs lively.

violet smiles, gently tying lunas curly hair into a bun. she would reminisce on times like this when she is laying alone in her own bed that night.

luna shoves the box in front of her dad aside, barging her way onto his lap where she practically demands to be held. violet sighs at the vacancy of her daughter, pulling the cardboard box in front of herself to finish folding the clothes that finn had began to.

her gentle hands reach in to pull out a worn dull gray fabric. she hadnt seen the front of it, she didnt need to. the fabric itself had worn a spot in her memories.

milk teeth | ✓ finn wolfhardWhere stories live. Discover now