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violet cage.

now ceo of a company she had worked for a little under nine years. chalked up to be someone so powerful and ruthless in the fashion industry at such a quick tempo.

someone who everyone that didnt know her, feared.

someone strong and independent.

and there she sat, biting at her nails anxiously as she stares to her cellphone set in the middle of her bed.


she knew she had to talk to him, but every time she did; she feared it would be the last. they had so many lasts.

his number was selected as quick as she picked up the phone. as quickly as the line stopping ringing and his tried, stressed voice came through the other end.

"whats up vi?"

"we need to talk."
anger was consumed in her. she wasn't hurt; not anymore. she was furious.

"sure. whats going on?"

"i think its wrong of you to let maddie stay."

finn parks his jeep in his apartment parking lot, just arriving home from a long day of work.

"i know that shes there. and honestly what the fuck? i dont know whats going on in your head but youre not even thinking about malcolm."
or me, is what she wanted to say. how selfish that would have been.

finn turns off his engine, trying to calm the situation down despite having such a stressful day. he knew she would be upset if she found out.
"vi, calm down."

"no, finn! every time she wants back in you let her and its bullshit. shes engaged for god sakes and you dont care? shes cheating on malcolm and you're letting it happen!"

"woah, shes not cheating on anyone."

"i'm supposed to believe that shes there just to say hi? im no idiot i know that youre sleeping with her. and if im honest, i dont care."
it was a lie, she cared.

"violet im not sleeping with her-"

"you know its been a long time, i wasnt expecting you to be holding back to protect my feelings. but i would at least think that you wouldnt be such a shit parent to bring someone like her into lunas life."

the anger clicked the minute their daughters name rang through the phone. and suddenly, his calmness spewed in anger and hatred.
"you have no fucking clue what youre talking about. and honestly? its none of your business who i choose to bring into my home. last time i checked, you set your priorities straight and i wasnt even near close to top. so what the hell would make you think that i would go to you for permission to let her into my house?"

"shes in my daughters life!"

"she needed help, violet! malcolm called off the engagement and she needed a place to stay for a while. dont call me a shit parent, youre the one being irrational."

"so she chose to go to someone she used to sleep with?"

"im not sleeping with her."

violet scoffs through the phone, feeling her cheeks fire up in anger and sadness, trying to contain her voice from its shaky aspects.
"shes staying with you!"

"shes staying on the couch, goddammit! im only trying to help her, i want nothing to do with her!"

violets voice tries to timid down. still angry, but not loud.
"i dont want her around luna, i would think you'd have the decency to feel that way too."

"do not sit here and tell im not a good dad. im doing everything i can for her and you know that! if i felt maddie was pushing too far into luna, she would be gone in a second."

"then tell her to leave! you know how quickly luna attaches herself to people and our daughter will not be attaching herself to someone like maddie."

he agreed, and in fact he left that conversation that night with every intent on kicking maddie out. someone like her was not worth tearing his and violets relationship apart. but he would be damned if he ever let violet know that she could still push him around after all this time.

"fuck off violet."

she listens as his end of the line hangs up, leaving her to sit in a wave of chaotic emotions. feeling ever so empty, and hurt. confused. she tosses her phone to the nightstand, sitting to the edge of her bed in thought.

accepting her job nine years ago was supposed to better everything in her life. it was supposed to give her a fresh start and help her succeed to be everything she wanted to be. and it did; for a little while.

until he came into her life again, and everything spiraled into a downwards hell. until she chose to be selfish and take her own success instead of sharing it with him like she was supposed to do.

this was on her. it was always on her.

selfish, is what she was. she always had been. that was not a new discovery for her.

but it was new for her to feel defeated. to feel jealous.

she always held that confidence, always felt that she was good enough for the only person she had ever fallen in love with. the only one that gave her the reason to understand what it felt like to care for someone so deeply. and now, he cared for someone else.

as far as she knew, he had fallen in love once more with someone hes loved before. and it wasnt her.

it had been a while, a couple years in fact, since violet had cried. she had grown thick skin; refusing to let anyone in her life know that she was no longer scared of being alone.

but she was.

she had made a decision many times. the same decision that she continued to go back on. but as her promotion wasnt new anymore, she began to do as she pleased.

what she pleased, right then. was to prove him wrong. to prove that her job was not more important to her than luna. for she had already lost her chances with finn.

there violet sat, on the edge of her bed in thought. thinking of how she was to officially take a leave at work and work strictly from home. a permanent leave that would let her see luna every time she wanted.

and as she sat, thinking of work. she is reminded with everything shes lost due to it. finn, her family, her friends. her life.

and for a first time in a long time.

violet cage laid on top of her blankets, and sobbed.

1115 wc

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