Chapter 9 (1) - "Ripped and Dishevelled Companions"

Start from the beginning

You. . . did?

Of course I did! I typed. You'll kill it. Because, you've worked so hard. I'm sad I can't be there in person, but I'll always be rooting for you every step of the way! So don't worry about reminding me to tune into your programs or purchase your newest albums. As your number one fan, I'll do it anyway. I'm so, so proud of you, after all!  (⌒▽⌒)

!!!         (',,•ω•,,)
You're going to make me cry, Shii!
What did I do to deserve you? I don't deserve you!
I love you so much!

I grinned, wide. I bet he was already crying. Still, I wonder what the public would say if they discovered their most beloved idol was an insecure, puppy-loving crybaby?


I flinched. Hugging my cell to my chest, I swivelled around. Who I found caused my lungs to stop functioning.

"K-Kamakiri?" I spluttered.

Eyes bugged, I scanned every portion of his face and lithe physique. If I thought he was charming in his school uniform, him in casual clothes was a whole other level. I wasn't saying that simply because my crush on him made him attractive no matter what he wore—okay, so that partly had to do with it. But, for the most part, it was classy—on a completely different scale from our other ape-like schoolmates.

Breaking out a sheepish smile, Kamakiri squeezed the back of his neck. "Why are you acting surprised? We agreed to meet at this station, remember?"

"We did?"

"You suggested it since it was the nearest one to our houses. You don't recall?"

I'd honestly blanked out after he invited me to the carnival. It was a miracle I managed to remember our agreed-upon time.

Hands timidly crossed behind my back, I framed my gaze to the tracks. It felt like forever before my erratic heart rate settled down.

I hoped to rehearse everything I planned to say during the train ride to the carnival. But he was already here. So near to me, too.

Just us.


My name was soft as silk on his tongue.

I rotated, but before I could properly face him, my cheek collided with his finger. The contact stunned me. Slapping the spot, I flinched, unable to shield my oncoming blush. "Wh-wha—"

His smile was warm. "Sorry. You seemed out of it. I wanted to get your attention."

He did?

"Are you perhaps not happy to be here?" he continued. "I did suggest this without considering your feelings. Going to a carnival with a stranger isn't very appealing, is it?"

"Th-that's not true!" I said.

Kamakiri's mouth fell, stunned.

On a new high, I stammered onward, "I'm happy you invited me! So, so happy! You're my schoolmate. And you gave me Mortal Mania tickets. Let alone a stranger, you're like a prince!"

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