Chapter 10

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Eren thought that both he and Annie always got along pretty well, she was closed off of everyone else but she warmed up to very few people. He and Armin where amongst these people.

More than often, he would find her and Armin sitting together for the rest of the day. And whenever he saw them talking together, he sometimes even saw that Annie was smiling warmly as Armin talked about whatever they both liked.

Eren was genuinely surprised to see that the coldest person on the entire cadet gave a genuine warm smile to his closest friend. She only ever smiled to Eren once when they were training, she respected him and he admired her (not a crush, but he considered her a good friend). But she never really gave him a smile after that, seeing her smiling more than often to Armin only made Eren think that Armin was some kind of a special person to Annie.

And needless to say; Eren felt proud of Armin. He felt really happy that Annie and Armin were becoming good friends.

But there was this one time Armin kept talking to Eren about Annie, he kept mentioning how she was severely misunderstood by everyone else and how much of a good person Annie was. He kept seeing the warmth that collected on Armin's cheeks every time he talked about her.

Then Armin didn't really pay attention to what he said when he was talking to Eren, he kept talking about how beautiful Annie was and how special she was to him. Eren snickered and that made Armin realize everything that he said, he blushed a storm and he desperately tried to cover up everything he said, only to fail miserably.

"Armin, I think you have a crush on her". Eren said, Armin stayed silent; unable to speak any word after he embarrassed himself. "You two get along great, who knows; maybe she has a thing for you too?". He teased, and that only made Armin feel more embarrassed.

Truth to be told, Annie didn't treat him or anyone else the same way she treated Armin. Sure, she wasn't too mushy when it came to Armin, but she warmed up to him the most and he was the person whom she spent most of her time with.

Then Eren gave a wild guess, maybe Annie did have feelings for Armin. He was able to spot those hidden gestures that Annie gave, and he knew that Mikasa spotted them all the same.

His opinion about Annie, however; took a drastic turn when he saw her being escorted by Commander Erwin and Captain Levi to the prisons with a blindfold over her eyes and a gag placed over her mouth. Her hands were tied behind her back and he saw a huge number of soldiers kept shouting profanities at her for whatever reason, all the while Armin was desperately trying to reach her; saying that it was a huge misunderstanding.

When Annie was led inside the building, Captain Levi gave a dire warning to everyone else that what they heard about Annie has to stay within the military base, and under no circumstances should the civilians know about the controversy that plagued everyone's minds at this moment.

Of course, no one wanted to get to Levi's bad side, so they complied with his request.

Eren was confused by everything that suddenly happened, why was Annie escorted to the prisons? Why were the Commander and the Captain here? Why were the people shouting profanities at Annie?

He caught up to Armin, whom he saw was greatly worried and disturbed by the event that just suddenly unfolded in the middle of the night. He saw that Armin knew something about what happened.

"Armin, what the hell happened?". Armin looked at him with an expression of great worry. "Eren, bring everyone we know". Armin frantically said.

Eren was greatly confused by all of this, but he did what Armin asked for him to do regardless.

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