The Hitmen

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"Lil me wasn't wrong when she said the cops were close. Gonna need to move fast." Older Mia looked up, surveying the rooftops of the surrounding warehouses.

"Escape to the roof?" Tsuna guessed.

"Nope," she replied. "Looking for the prick that brought me here." Her gaze trailed down to her feet. "And I know just how to bring him out." She bent down and motioned grabbing something. Spreading her feet, she tightened her grip and yanked. Tsuna felt his Intuition prick, his flames beneath his skin pulsing. Fwoooosh! Hot air breathed into their faces, forcing them to shield their eyes. Like summoning a demon from hell, Mia literally pulled a person out of thin air.

They landed hard before her feet, coughing and gasping.

Tsuna recognized the hair and eyes. "You!"

"Gwah! That's the weird guy that asked for Lambo-san's help!" The cow yelped.

The fox didn't seem to have heard them, too busy regaining his ability to breathe.

"Not so nice is it?" Older Mia asked and roughly pushed the fox on his back with her foot. He groaned. Tsuna was strongly reminded of Reborn. He could almost feel the weight of her foot as much as he did the hitman's.

"Whoaaa! How did you do that Matteis?" Onii-san asked. "An extreme bunny pulling out of the hat trick?"

Mia snorted. "Something like that." She stepped on the fox, her three-inch heels digging into his sternum. Ian gasped.

"Bloody hell woman!"

"Hi to you too Ian," Mia replied candidly, as if she was greeting a colleague at the park. "We've got less than ten minutes to lead the police away. I need your help."

"And why the hell should I - "

She grounded her heel, cutting him off to a pained growl. "I wasn't asking," she said, her tone leaving no room for argument. "I'd remember your orders if I were you." Mia warned him before releasing him, taking a step back.

"My lady - " Hayato shook his head to get rid of the shock. "Um - how - what?"

"Young me will explain why he's here, until then, questions later."

The fox slowly got up, his clothes ruffled and dirty. His glare was so intense, it could have melted metal. Mia was unfazed, gazing coolly back at him as if she was used to the death glares. Tsuna couldn't help his own glare forming as he came to stand beside her. His friends circling the fox, with their own withering expressions.

"I'm going to tell you now Tsuna not to frown so much. You're too cute for that," Mia teased him without looking. "And you'll get wrinkles early. You should listen - would have saved your older self some lines."

"No I won't," he muttered without missing a beat.

The fox glanced at them wearily, the anger in them receding but not totally leaving his eyes. "You didn't need to do that you witch," he hissed. "It's not like I asked to bring you here."

"And yet here I am," she smoothly replied. "Huh, have you always been a miserable dick?"

"Just what is it you want?" The fox asked her.

"I need a badge, higher rank, national scale. Interpol should do. I was thinking Milly Marchetti."

The fox frowned as he rubbed his chest. He glanced at Chrome. "You have your own illusionist, you don't need me."

"I'm... Not good enough Mia-san?" Chrome spoke up, her lone eye wide.

Mia shook her head. "That's not it at all. Don't listen to him Chrome, I'm only asking because I know what he can do. Getting past legalities, and detailed fraud is what he's good at." She took a step closer but the fox didn't back down. They stood on equal height while the rest of them held their weapons, ready to strike him down at a moment's notice should he even move. Tsuna was thinking of slamming him on the concrete if he so much as twitched.

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