Pandora's Box

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"What should I tell Iemitsu when he comes looking?" Bianchi asked. She had her arms crossed.

Reborn smirked. "Tell him I went for a walk." They stood outside by the ship's helipad, waiting for the favor that he called in.

Bianchi sighed helplessly but still very much enamored. "Alright. But Reborn, must you really go?" She tried again to convince him. "Those kids should be able to handle themselves now."

That was true but that wasn't why Reborn was going. If it was just the hitmen, Reborn would have waited for them to find their way back. As it happens, other powers were involved. Powers that Reborn couldn't ignore nor can he speak out loud about in case someone was listening in. "Monitoring my students are part of a tutor's duty," he said solemnly. "What kind of tutor would I be if I didn't at least see this through? Besides — assassins? Tsuna's capable of handling that much. Nicolas? Not so sure."

Bianchi sighed again. "Okay. I can imagine Tsuna would be having a hard time with him. Nicolas can be so... intense. It's very different from Iemitsu."

Intense fit just right. Reborn had sadly missed it but from what he gathered, it had been a war of egos. The Young Lion of the Vongola versus the Savant Son of distinguished military honor. Reborn didn't coin the nickname but it was probably Basil. The boy had a habit of giving out grand titles to anyone that impressed him. Whether it was due to his own shiny spine or the fact he was the son of General Matteoli, it seems Nicolas had left a lasting impression on CEDEF members.

"You should go back now Bianchi. Maman might wake up again and it would help to see a familiar face."

"Very well. I see the need but I still wish I could go." Bianchi set Reborn down.

"Next time," Reborn promised. The smiled. Bidding him a kiss on the cheek, Bianchi left the deck to head back inside. As soon as Reborn felt that she was gone, he called out to his 'crew'. Stepping out to the pad was the Fox wearing his fox mask, Skull and to his pleasant surprise, Lal Mirch.

"Man, I thought she was never gonna leave." Skull complained. "And did you really have to leave me with these two?" He jabbed his thumb at the other two. If the Fox was bothered behind his mask, he wasn't obvious about it, choosing to remain silent.

Lal Mirch however, twisted his arm. "Ow! Ow! Ow!" Skull cried.

"Lal, I'm surprised you wanted to come along." Reborn said, ignoring Skull. "Not complaining, the more the merrier."

Lal ignored Skull too. "Its bad enough that CEDEF is compromised. Can't have you making it look bad too."

"CEDEF's business is its own. If it wants to clown around, that's fine but I still do what I want. I just hope you weren't expecting Colonello — he's out on a mission today so he can't come." Lal Mirch turned pink.

"I—I wasn't expecting anything!" she yelled, embarrassed. Reborn smirked. "A-Anyway, how long do we have to wait?"

Reborn listened. He could faintly hear the chopping sound of helicopter blades in the distance. "Not long."

"Hmph." Lal finally let go of Skull and the Arcobaleno tripped. He fell over the fox's shoes, grumbling. "Who is this anyway? He wasn't recorded getting on the ship." She fixed the Fox with a glare.

"He's an associate of Mia's. Hasn't Basil mentioned him?" Lal suspiciously glanced at the the fox who stood as still as a statue while Skull ran around him. "Hmph. Be as it may, care to explain how he got here? This boat is heavily guarded. You're not supposed to have anyone unauthorized here Reborn. Strictly Family only."

A sharp retort was ready to fire off his tongue but the hitman reeled it in and instead replied, "I invited him of course, just like Skull." Reborn watched as Lal fumed. She was a stickler to the rules that one — a habit from her time as a soldier. But Lal had been there when Iemitsu had undermined his authority as Tsuna's tutor. She had seen when her own boss brushed aside his advice to reach out to the main family. She wouldn't dare stoke his ire anymore than it already was and deny him his right.

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