Sky's Worries

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Disclaimer: I don't own Katekyo Hitman Reborn.

Warning/Spoilers ahead: Soft Lemon


Tsuna wasn't sure what happened after he had passed out but the next thing he saw when he woke up, was Leon perching on his nose.

"Huh?" Leon's long tongue flicked the bridge of his nose.

"You're finally awake." Propped on a chair, sitting on a stack of pillows was Reborn. The hitman was flipping through a newspaper.

With one last flick, as if telling him to get up already, Leon scurried off his face and on to his pillow. Tsuna propped himself up on his elbows, blearily taking in his surroundings. The room he was in was luxurious — that much was obvious but as soon as he realized it was just him and his tutor, he shot up and threw his covers off. Panic seized him.

Reborn moved like lightning and he was forced to sit still as the hitman held a sharp green meter stick against his neck. The newspaper dropped to the floor, forgotten. He flinched as Reborn pressed it against his adam's apple. "Calm down before you hurt yourself Dame-Tsuna. If its Mia you're worried about, she's fine."

Tsuna gritted his teeth. "And her leg?" He sharply eyed his tutor. He remembered how bad it was. His fingers twitched. He wanted to go find her but he knew that Reborn wouldn't let him go. Not until they finished their talk.

Reborn lowered the meter stick, his beetle black eyes unreadable. "It wasn't good." The hitman admitted and Tsuna stilled. "She had lost a lot of blood. I don't know what happened in there but the damage to her leg was severe." Tsuna felt sick, as if someone had given him a direct blow to his stomach. He thought it was bad but not that bad. "But if it hadn't been for your quick thinking, she would have bled to death already. So good job Tsuna." Normally, he would have glowed under the praise, but now he felt like throwing up. Could she still use it? He was afraid to know. "She would have lost it but someone from the Order came by."

At this, he turned to his tutor. Completely fixated on him now. "The Fox called in for backup as soon as the Angler surfaced. Also that was a very neat thing you guys found."

"Reborn please." Tsuna was not in the mood to entertain his tutor.

Reborn smirked. "Relax Dame-Tsuna, I told you. She's fine now." A hundred questions bubbled to the tip of his tongue but he held it in, not wanting to incite his tutor's ire. It was annoying but he patiently waited for the hitman to continue. Fortunately, he didn't have to wait too long. Reborn launched into his story.


Hearing about the possible collapse was one thing, it was another being there altogether. They had been in the middle of wiping out almost the entirety of enemies when it happened. The Fox, who flitted in and out of the shadows taking out enemies like a ghost, reappeared in the courtyard. He held a grunt by the neck that he roughly shoved aside.

"Take that!" Skull was clinging on to someone's head, pounding it with his muscled fists. "Hey, why did you stop?" He asked when he saw the Fox. Reborn and Lal held their fire as they sensed something amiss. The Fox then turned and without a word, ran, grabbing Skull just as a giant crack zigzagged across the courtyard. He leapt, just in time as the entire monastery, courtyard and all, collapsed with a terrifying groan. They watched like ants, helpless and at awe as an entire mountain roared, a good chunk of it falling into the sea.

Skull gaped at the destruction all around them. Scores of rocks continued to fall and Lal Mirch pulled off her goggles, dumbstruck at the calamity. The Fox seemed surprised as well, before composing himself. He dug into his belt pack and pulled out a pair of compact binoculars.

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