A Battle of the Sky

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Mia wanted to drag Tsuna with her on the way to her Nonnino because the truth was; she was a bit scared of him. When she saw him kill a man with his bare hands, a chill ran up her spine. She always knew he was a soldier but it hadn't sunk in until she saw it. Her grandfather, who had read stories to her when she was younger and had tea parties with killed people before. At the same time, she accepted it.

She recognized the drive, his will to fight, something she knew herself had and the way he executed the man with such finesse and grace... she shook her head.

She nervously wrung her hands as she waited for her Nonnino to show up for breakfast. The dining room had a few guests mingling about as it was too early for most to be up and Mia sat alone far into a dark corner where it matched her mood. It was bad enough that it would be Tsuna's match later that night but having this talk early in the morning left her with another sleepless night. It wasn't her insomnia that kept her up but the mere thought of talking to her Nonnino did. Yes, it was that bad. They were back in his hotel where he previously stayed. Dino was gracious for paying for his stay but Mia suspected it was more likely he was afraid of incurring the wrath of her Nonnino.

"Are you and Tsunayoshi together now?" Mia blushed.

"Well… yeah I guess," she mumbled as he took her seat in front of her. He was dressed neatly, as if the events of yesterday never happened. If anything, he looked like he always did during his Sunday walks around the block. He also had a noticeable stubble growing. But his shoulder was stiff and his eyes never lost the hard edge from the night before. Without meaning to, she averted her eyes away from him. "Um… what was it that you wanted to speak to me about Nonnino?"

"What is your next plan of action?"

"Huh?" She stared at her Nonnino. "My… plan of action?"

Nero Matteis casually picked up his coffee and sipped it. "My dear, while I have fully accepted your decision…" She froze in her seat. "I am still your Grandfather and you are my only granddaughter... what matters to me the most is your safety so I ask again, what will you do next?"

"Eh? But Nonnino, this last match will decide everything…"

Nero closed his eyes. "I sometimes forget how young you are Mia." He got up from the table to stand by the window. "Tell me, what did you see in that man's face yesterday? The one with the scars? Did he look the least bit discouraged?"


"And what does that imply?"

"That he's confident he's going to win."

Nero turned to face his granddaughter. "Do you think he will?"

"No!" Mia jumped up from her seat. "Tsuna will win!"

"And you think that is enough?" She opened her mouth to say that yes, Tsuna was strong enough to beat Xanxus but the stern gaze of her Nonnino made the words die in her mouth. If she truly though about it, while it would be true that Tsuna would be able to hold his own against Xanxus, she didn't think it was enough. It scared her to admit it. Nero knew this well. "War is not won with one strategy alone Mia. Winning requires staying ahead of your enemy – being it three or ten steps. Precautions must be taken, opportunities to consider." Hard blue eyes bore into hers. She nodded.

"I understand Nonnino," she said. "It's just… Tsuna he – I know he can win! I just don't want him to think I don't believe in him because I really honestly do."

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