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Even now, the atmosphere was effervescent and the crowd, which was pretty big for it being so early was the most diverse crowd one could imagine; there was every gender, every race, every religion, every sexuality all compiled into one room for the same thing.

The brunette girl had managed to get second row behind he front, to the side, advised by Harrison, who insisted that the side was the best place to be. Harrison was at the bar getting himself a vodka and coke and his sister a Strongbow dark fruits, which for someone who claimed not to drink before her eighteenth loved a lot.

Deep down the man was happy that Belle offered to take him to the gig because he thoroughly enjoyed STRINGS' music and the supports were also fantastic. Originally, he didn't even think about coming because he thought straight up that Belle wouldn't have invited him purely because he thought she'd cramp his style even though he knew he was very very cool.

It had been a while since he'd been to a gig, purely because he never had time and because it was hard for him to go out in public and not get followed by a crowd, thus far nobody paid any acknowledgement to him and his 'image'. He'd also noticed that the boy from the queue was somewhat near his sister and kept repeatedly looking in her direction, usually he'd be mad but from their encounter whilst they were waiting, he seemed like a decent guy.

As soon as he'd paid he weaved his way back to his sister and handed her the plastic cup full of the purple liquid that she loved so much. "Why don't you talk to him?" Harrison questioned his sister with a small smile, Belle looked at him as if he'd just done a shit right in front of her, mainly out of confusion.

"Talk to who?" She asked with a sassy shake of the head, taking a light sip of her drink. Harrison rolled his eyes playfully then nodded his head in the mid-parting boys direction discreetly, which only caused his sister to go crimson making him laugh.

"Why would I talk to him?" She asked defensively, trying not to act as though he wasn't some incredibly handsome eye candy that she would probably be looking more at than the actual concert.

"He keeps looking in your direction and don't act like you haven't been looking in his," Harrison chuckled again. Of course, he'd noticed, Belle thought she was being sly about checking the guy out but obviously she wasn't. She swears her brother never missed anything, even the smallest of eye rolls he'd notice, he was like some sort of odd detective of body language.

"He definitely doesn't and I don't," Belle replied adamantly turning away to face the stage because Oscar was due on in five minutes and she didn't want to miss his entrance.

"Okay," Harrison said unconvinced, he'd noticed that the bloody pair of them could barely keep their eyes off of each other ever since they'd entered the building. He was even questioning whether or not the young man had only asked about support acts just so he got to talk to Belle, which did seem likely considering he'd been checking her out for the last fifteen minutes and she the same.

"Manchester!" Oscar's strong Geordie voice called as he stepped onto the stage waving at the crowd with a smile on his face. He'd played O2 Apollo twice before, he loved the acoustics in this place and the architecture from indoors was phenomenal. His song 'We're Not Happy' started to play as he roamed across the stage happily his red guitar in his grip and his fingers strummed immaculately.

Harrison would be first to admit that he hadn't really given Oscar's music a proper listen but from what he was hearing he was great, he had very catchy instrumentals and a cool gritty tone. "Can't you just save us all?" Oscar sang into the microphone his leg bouncing along to the guitar solo that he had to do before finalising his song Hug Me.

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