"Alessando's Hoesssssss 👅" Alessando had named it when they'd first made it and no one had the energy to change it.

Laya: Food?!?!?! 🍔

Greece: I say Taco Bell!

Laya: Uhh no! Chipotle!! 🤤

Dallas: Chipotle sounds good!

Alejandro: Dallas aren't you driving?

Dallas: Mind your business!

Alejandro rolled his eyes.

Laya: What does Rome want?

Alejandro looked down at his girl who was asleep,

Alejandro: She's asleep

Greece: awwwwwwwwwww

Alejandro rolled his eyes.

Elliot: Allegro & I want y'all to bring us back           chipotle bowls w/ a lot of cheese

Alejandro looked down to see Rome stir, her eyes blinking as she realized where she was. Soothingly, Alejandro squeezed her hand he was still holding before he spoke to Arturo.

"The girls want to stop for Chipotle,"

Arturo nodded, "There should be one about twenty from where we are now."

He sent the group chat a quick text before leaning back and meeting Rome's gaze.

"We're stopping for food soon, are you hungry?" He asked.

Rome nodded, "Yeah," Her voice was soft and Alejandro knew he would never tire of hearing it.


Alejandro stepped out of the car as Greece, Laya and Dallas strolled over to them. Rome came around to his side, sticking closely to him, he wanted to smile at her shyness but kept his expression passive.

"Have you ever had Chipotle?" Dallas asked her.

Rome shook her head against Alejandro's shirt before Laya gasped, "Oh then this is going to be amazing!"

Alejandro looked down at her to see Rome's confused expression before they all walked towards the entrance. As they walked Alejandro felt Rome poke his side and he looked down at her in question.

"Are Dallas and your brother a thing?" She asked tentatively.

He nodded as he watched Dallas walk ahead practically dragging her husband behind her, "They're married."

Rome nodded as Alejandro held the door for her and she blushed before following Laya inside. They'd finished eating moments later and Alejandro had found it amusing to see Rome eat her meal, her expression changing as she took her first bite, Alejandro could tell she liked it and smiled as the girls included her in their conversation. Alejandro wasn't much for idle talk but he enjoyed everyone's company not to mention the girl sitting beside him who wouldn't loosen her grip on his hand.


A U T H O R ' S   N O T E

writing this book gives me great joy because i know so many of you were looking forward to Alejandro's story & i'll be really sad when it comes to an end cause that's so crazy! i feel like i just finished Allegro's book....



due to the impending ending of DIB i have plans for two other books which i will say more about as time goes on.

one of them for sure is an MC (Biker) Romance
& the other,
a Chicklit/Romance/Teen Fiction

& im so excited yet quite scared

lastly I just wanted to THANK EVERY SINGLE ONE OF YOU



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